Chapter 4:

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Dean and Sam helped me into the house and I sat on the couch. Dean sat beside me and I laid my bum leg on his lap. He leaned over, kissing my cheek. I took his hand.

"Can somebody hand me my pain meds?" I asked. Sam tossed me the bottle and it landed in my lap. I opened it and took one, and placed the bottle on the end table. Bobby handed me and Dean a beer and Sam cracked his open, sitting in the armchair. Bobby cracked open his beer and he took the recliner.

"So what the hell happened?" Bobby asked. Dean looked down at me as he started telling the story.

"Well, I walked into the bar in Wyoming after tracking down the vamp nest, and I saw her sitting at the bar talking to the bartender."

"I mean why is (Y/n) so messed up?" Bobby said, rolling his eyes.

"Well we decided to work together to clean out the nest and I was trying to help Dean when I got grabbed by the biggest vampire I've ever seen." I started, "So I kicked him in the knee and he fell on top of me. He broke my nose, my ankle, my rib, punctured my lung, and broke my front tooth out." I said.

"Your tooth?" Bobby asked, confused. I pulled up my top lip.

"Balls!" Bobby said.

"Yeah, kissing her is weird." Dean said with a laugh.

"Kissing her?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, if you would've let me tell my story you would've heard that we-" Dean looked at me and I gave him a slight nod. "We're kind of a thing now." Dean said with a cute smile.

"Really?" Bobby asked.

"(Y/n), you're not my favourite person in the world, but I still wouldn't saddle you with this S.O.B." Bobby said. I laughed. "But I can't say I didn't see this coming."

"What do you mean?" Dean asked.

"Oh, I guess you don't remember." Bobby said, "You both stayed with (Y/n)'s family when your dad was working a case with them in Tennessee."

"Woah, wait, that was you?" I asked, turning to Dean.

"I didn't know that was you, I guess I didn't recognize you after all these years." Dean said, with a smirk. Whenever he and Sam stayed with me, I had a massive crush on Dean. He was a year older than me and I saw him as powerful but sweet even though he missed some obvious things. One night we were up late watching a movie and I told him I had a crush on him. He told me that he liked me too, but he soon left with his brother and his dad.

"When Dean came back here, he was a mess." Bobby said.

"I was not!" Dean said, defensively.

"Yes you were, you were crying and asking me to take you back to her." Bobby said with a smile.

"Well, since you know all this, why don't you like her?" Sam asked, leaning forward in his chair and propping his elbows on his knees.

"Well that's not important." I said, trying to steer the conversation, as I wasn't exactly proud of who I used to be.

"Oh no, I want to hear this." Dean said.

"Well, (Y/n) bugged my house a few years ago so she could get to cases before I even called another hunter so she got first pick of whatever she wanted.

"You're the reason Bobby made us clean out his whole house three times?!" Sam asked.

"But don't worry, the bugs aren't here anymore." I said, blushing.

"What do you mean they aren't here?" Bobby asked.

"Well I felt bad, and I wasn't welcome here so... I- uh- snuck in and took them back." I said.

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