Chapter 19:

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I sat on the uncomfortable hospital chair beside Dean's bed. He had been wheeled in an hour before, still knocked out from all the drugs. He was going to have to have surgery on his knee, but his ankle just needed to be set. They successfully removed the bullet lodged in his shoulder and the rest he was getting was supposedly helping the head trauma. I had turned on the TV and it was set on the Western channel. It was Dean's favourite.

"(Y/n)?" I looked up, seeing Dean looking at me groggily.

"Hey, there he is-" I said softly, "Sam's on the way." I assured him.

"The last thing I remember is leaving that mansion." Dean murmured.

"Yeah, you got your ass handed to you." I joked, "You're going to have to have surgery." Dean nodded and looked up at the TV.

"Westerns?" He asked.

"You like them." I said with a small smile, relaxing back into my chair. It was three hours before Dean got wheeled in here. Suddenly our ears were met with a knock at the door. Dean perked up and I looked back to see Lindsay opening the door.

"Hey," She said with a small wave, "We need to set your ankle." Dean nodded and a team of nurses came in brandishing the needed materials. Dean had a high pain tolerance, but this was still going to hurt. I offered him my hand, hoping he'd take it as a platonic gesture. He gave me a knowing glance and took my hand, squeezing it to give himself some sense of relief as they set his ankle. The reason they were setting it now was because they didn't have an opening to perform the surgery on his knee at the moment. Dean groaned loudly and squeezed my hand as tight as he could. After what felt like forever, the nurses finished, but Dean kept his hand on mine. I knew that I should let go, but I couldn't. I felt like I needed his touch to remind me that he was there and that he was okay. I gripped his hand and he looked over at me. I met his eyes.

"This- this doesn't-" I started.

"I know." Dean murmured. We both looked back at the TV. I was right, this was sort of awkward. "Do you know when Sam's gonna be here?" Dean asked.

"Probably in about-" I glanced at the clock on the wall, "six hours?" I looked back over at him. He nodded and let out a sigh. "Is your phone broken?" I asked.

"I don't know." Dean answered. He pointed at his jeans and I headed over, pulling it out of his pocket with my free hand and showing it to him. The screen was shattered like mine.

"I'll pay for your screen replacement." I said, "I should've told you about the truce."

"Why is there a truce anyway?" Dean asked, looking over at me.

"Well, when Lana and I were kids, mom and dad took us out on what was supposed to be an easy hunt. It was Aleda's vamp nest. Long story short, I was hurt and Aleda saved me. My parents declared a truce because they were grateful." Dean nodded and thought for a moment before speaking.

"I'm sorry, I should've woken you up to tell you where I was going." Dean murmured.

"No, it's okay." I said back, "I understand why you didn't..." I probably should've thought before I spoke. Dean let go of my hand as we both fell into an uncomfortable silence. I placed my hands in my lap and looked up at the TV.


Dean and I sat in relative silence as we waited for Sam and Bobby to arrive. Lindsay came in every hour on the hour to check on us. I felt myself dozing off when I heard a knock at the door. It didn't sound like Lindsay.

"Come in." I called. The door opened, revealing Sam standing in the hallway. I smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to make sure I had the right room." Sam said with a small smile, coming in and closing the door behind him.

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