Chapter 5:

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I got better and better over the following weeks. Dean and I got to know each other more and more. The more I learned about him the more I liked him. He was funny, sexy and tough. He was definitely macho, but whenever he and I were alone he would melt into a sweetheart. I loved that. I loved cuddling with him after a long day and I lived for the cute moments. Like when we would be sitting on the couch and he would look over at me and a little smile would play onto his lips.

"Babe?" I was snapped from my thoughts by Dean's voice, "Are you ready to go?" He held out his hand and I took it, standing up. He had asked me if I wanted to go with him to pick up dinner for everyone. I was now only in a boot and I could walk on my own, though I was a bit unsteady. I held Dean's hand, steadying myself as we walked out to his car. I sat in the front passenger seat and Dean climbed in the driver's seat, starting the car and placing his right hand on my thigh. I placed my hand on his and he glanced at me. A smile played onto his lips as he pulled out of the driveway. He inched his hand further up my thigh as he drove down the road. He reached up further and further until his hand was perched on the waistband of my yoga pants. I glanced over at him, but he kept his eyes on the road. He pushed his hand into my pants, cupping it over me... the butterflies raged in my stomach as his hand stayed in place. I grinded against his hand subtly, but he pulled away, not allowing me to. Dean had just gotten back from a trip, so I hadn't been with him in a while.

When he was away we talked on the phone whenever he was available... which wasn't a lot, but that was alright. Dean extended a finger, placing it on my clit, circling it gently. I felt as if fireworks were going off around me. He continued this motion, slow and steady. I leaned into him, closing my eyes. I got closer and closer to my climax. I was on the edge, about to spill over the other side... so... close... I didn't realise Dean had pulled into the Diner parking lot until he pulled his hand out of my pants, opening the car door and climbing out. He left me there, feeling bare... and empty...

I watched him glance back at me with a sexy smirk on his face as he entered the establishment. My face reddened and I glanced down at my lap, pushing my hair behind my ear. I wanted so badly to finish what he started, but I didn't, I waited for him. My core ached as I watched him pick up the bags of food I had ordered for everyone. He paid and came back, placing the food in the back floorboard before climbing back in the driver's seat. He started the car as I anxiously awaited for him to place his hand back where I wanted it. I closed my eyes... but it didn't come. I looked over at him to see him watching the road. I looked out my window, assuming that he didn't want to continue. I watched the trees go by in silence, shuffling my feet slightly.

"Are you excited to get back to work?" Dean asked.

"Absolutely." I answered, happy for the distraction from my lustful feelings, "I can't wait to kill some more vampires." I joked.

"I think you should steer clear of vampires for a while, Snagglepuss." He muttered, meeting my eyes. Yes, my tooth had been fixed, but the nickname unfortunately stuck. I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder playfully, before perching my hand there. His eyes met mine briefly before he looked back at the road.

"You're so pretty..." I murmured, a sweet smile played onto his lips..

"...Thank you..." He murmured. I noticed a blush coat his cheeks as he pulled into the driveway. I opened my door, climbing out and hobbling over to Dean's side of the car watching as he grabbed the food from the back. He offered me his free hand and I took it. He helped me up the front steps and into the house. We headed to the kitchen and I helped him unpack the food. We set it all out on the counter as Sam and Bobby grabbed the beers. We all ate and flopped down on the sofa. I laid my legs on Dean's lap and popped a pain pill. Dean pulled the velcro off my boot, opening it and taking it off gently. He placed it on the floor. I looked down, seeing the scar running up the inside of my ankle. The scar was rather fresh, more of a scab. I had gotten my stitches removed and my incision was healing nicely. Dean was talking about his most recent case. It was a werewolf so it was relatively simple, good for getting back in the game after staying with me for a while.

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