Chapter 25

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It almost felt like my feet weren't touching the floor, I didn't feel it. I wasn't even sure what carried my body anymore as I ran after her. Even as fast as I was trying to catch up with her, each step beneath me felt like it took a thousand year to make. The world was rushing and slowing at the same time. My breath was lost, my hands were shaking, my mind wasn't processing anything anymore. It thought of nothing and no one but to get to Yuzuha. I didn't even think of what I'd be saying to her. And because I knew her, she's my best friend, I knew it the moment my eyes locked with hers back in the kitchen that it was all over and there's nothing I could say that could help me here anymore.

"Please, please..." I pleaded, by the time we reached the upstairs hallway my tears were already pouring down my chin. "Yuzuha just let me explain, please!" I cried.

When I said I knew her, I meant I've seen every side of her. Every flip of emotion and every angle of what lied deep in Yuzuha. But when she stopped in her tracks and turned to me, finally looking me in the eye, I gasped and halted. Because I didn't recognize who was standing there. That look in her eyes, so venomous, so hateful. That wasn't my best friend standing there.

"Explain? Explain! Emi! Explain... go ahead!" She shouted, the echoes of her voice barely managing not to break.

Wincing, I held a hand to my mouth, my sobs wouldn't stop.

She nodded. "Explain to me, why was his head between your fucking legs? Huh!" She came pacing at me, her whole body rigid. "Explain why are you dressed in his clothes?" She held her arms and gripped my shoulders forcefully, her shouts still ringing in my ears. I closed my eyes. "EXPLAIN TO ME, EMI, SINCE WHEN DID YOU BECOME A GODDAMN WHORE!"

A door got opened at that instant and Hakkai came out of his room. It took only one glance at me crying, then at Yuzuha's furious face in front of me, for him to realize what was happening. Then without saying anything to me, he came and took ahold of his sister's shoulder. "Come with me." He pushed her away.

Yuzuha was still breathing rigidly. "No, let go of me!" She jerked his hands away. "I need to talk to this bitch right here, Hakkai, did you know? She's been fucking him?" She shouted as she kept glaring at me.

I winced again at her words but still couldn't say anything. If anything, I wanted her to keep screaming at me, to keep lashing out. Every glare, every shout, was like clawed whip slashing across my body. And I didn't mind it, I welcomed it. I deserved it. I had it coming, this pain, this hurt, I deserved more than to be called a whore by her.

Midst that silence, when Hakkai didn't give her any reaction to what she just stated, Yuzuha's eyes widened at him.

"You knew!" She whispered horridly, then she shouted, "YOU KNEW!" And her fists came pounding at his chest before pulling herself out of his reach quickly. "Who the fuck are you people?" She was crying now, streams of tears falling as her hands went through her hair hysterically. "I don't know you..." she looked between me and Hakkai.

"Stop this nonsense, come with me. Don't say shit you'll regret later.." Hakkai reached for her again, as calmly as he could. And this time he managed to actually hold her and walk her into her room. Yuzuha's eyes, her disgusted and furious glare, never blinked once at me as he did.

When her door was finally shut, my knees buckled to the floor and I began crying, sobbing, into my hands. The cold floor pressed against my skin to remind me that I was still bare and half clothed as I tasted my salty tears between my hands.

Drunk on a thought, a fantasy I wanted, a desire I craved, I never realized just how heavy and gruesome what I've been doing behind her back until now. Until the moment it all came crushing me under it. Those small lies that kept building up. Lies I told straight to her face... who does that? To their best friend? Those falling domino pieces, I was convinced I was a casualty of that process, always in the wrong place at the wrong time, when in reality, I was the one who pushed the first piece! I was the one who triggered all of what happened! It was all me, my fault...

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