Chapter 1

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As the summer days grew shorter and the nights grew longer, promising the coming days of fall, the air started feeling crispier and cooler. Meaning the summer vacation was nearing its end and my excitement couldn't get any bigger for the start of my senior year.
At last, I was going to graduate high school and leave this place to go for college. I like it here, don't get me wrong, but I was never the person to settle down in one place. I wanted to move, to run, to explore and take on new adventures in my life. To be as free as these birds in the sky. That's why staying in my hometown, the place that holds so many memories and sorrows, will never do me good...

I parked my bicycle near the Shiba's brick fence and headed for their front door. Adjusting the wrinkles on my t-shirt from sitting for a long time, I pressed the doorbell. It was a clear Friday afternoon. And me and Yuzuha decided on watching a movie together tonight. But I just arrived, twenty minutes late.

Yuzuha Shiba happened to be one of the closest people to me after my grandmother here. Because growing up parents-less and alone with your granny, makes you really wary and careful around people. Because you never know who might have ill intentions towards you and who'd want to take advantage of the fact you have no one to have your back, except for an old lady who can barely make out your face these days. Due to her progressing age, my grandmother's sight was getting worser by the days.

But somehow, Yuzuha and me grew close, and closer by each passing school year. At first we were only taking the same classes. Then we became seat-partners in classes. After that we started talking, getting to know each other and then becoming each other's secrets dumpster. That's what we called ourselves and our friendship. Because we dump each other's secrets at one another and talk about everything. And that was mainly the reason I let my walls down for her. Because she had a similar life to mine.

Growing up alone and with no parents, she had no one but her two brothers. Her older brother, Taiju, who I haven't seen since middle school. And that's because, from what I heard, he's a big gang leader now and this summer she told me he was away on a business trip somewhere. And her younger brother, Hakkai, who I know as the sweetest and calmest person you could ever meet. And it was still a mystery to me how he also got himself involved in a gang just like Taiju!

The big and heavy wooden door of the Shiba residents swung open after my second ring and Yuzuha's bright smile greeted me.

"Hey, you.." I said as I approached, giving her a light hug. "I'm sorry I'm late, Nana asked me to do a few chores before coming."

"Never mind, it's all right." She waved her hand. "Come in, the movie is ready and the popcorn is in the microwave popping as we speak."

Stepping in, I quickly bent and started taking off my shoes. Yuzuha shut the door behind me and started walking towards the kitchen. "Are you thirsty? We have some sodas!"

"Sure yeah! Thanks." I said as I slipped my feet into the house slippers and followed after her to the kitchen. Inhaling the smell of hot popcorn filling the air.

Yuzuha opened the fridge and handed me a can of coke and took another one out for herself. And before she closes the fridge's door, I noticed how empty the fridge was. And I made a mental note to ask her how things were going with them, now that their big brother isn't here and no one was working to support them or giving them allowances.

I snapped the can's top open and took a long gulp of the burning, gassy liquid. I was too thirsty and the cold liquid felt good. As I kept drinking, I watched Yuzuha in silence as she took the bag of popcorn out and poured it into a bowl. I noticed her hands were shaking slightly when she was doing that and it made me frown. Just when I wanted to ask her what was wrong with her, a deep rustling noise came from upstairs. Both me and Yuzuha lifted our heads up towards the entrance when another bang happened. Yuzuha's face grew pale for some reason.

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