Chapter 9

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My lips were humming softly into the wind as my feet kept paddling then lifting momentarily, letting the momentum of my body pushing me forward on my bicycle onto the road. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, the sky was clear and the air felt cool and refreshing. After a whole week of rainstorms, today's weather was perfect.

I was heading towards Yuzuha's house for our weekend movie night and to spend the night at her place. Since I haven't been there for the whole week, and only saw her on school hours, she said we needed a night together. And I couldn't agree more.

The reason for that was because I've been busy with studying all week, and since I'd skipped my last chemistry exam on purpose, Mr. Kane asked me to do three report papers for him to earn my grade. So I spent the whole week repenting for the lie I had to make.

As I turned the corner and into her street, I felt my stomach doing something again. And by now, I've come to recognize this feeling. It was the feeling I got whenever I thought of him, or saw him, or talked to him.. or touched him.

Sighing to myself, I pulled my earphones out of my ears and shoved them into my jean shorts before getting off my bicycle. I then leaned it against the fence and started walking towards the front door.

Since that morning encounter between Taiju and me, I hadn't seen him. And Yuzuha never mentioned him in school, so I didn't know how he was doing or what he's been up to. And deep down in me, an idiot part that was dangerously locked in a box and shoved somewhere in me, missed him greatly.

Yuzuha texted me earlier that she was leaving the door unlocked for me and that I should just come in when I arrive. So at the front door, I twisted the knob and headed in without ringing. And my brain instantly felt something wrong and unusual after stepping into their house.

For a second, I felt like I walked into the wrong house. Because the first thing my nose picked was the citrusy and fresh smell of lemon filling the house. And as I bent down to take off my shoes, I noticed just how shiny the wooden floors looked. There were no muddy prints, no crumbs dropped carelessly there, no dust, and even the light fixtures in the hallway looked more shiny and wiped clean.

I frowned as I started walking further into the house. My first thought was to head upstairs for Yuzuha's room but then I heard soft murmurs, too soft indicating they were women voices, coming from the kitchen so I headed there.

"I'll keep that in mind for sure... Oh, Emi you're here!" Yuzuha's face lit up when she saw me coming. She was standing next to the kitchen's sink. Talking with a middle aged woman who was exactly the same height as Yuzuha.

"Rosa, excuse me for a second." She said then came to give me a light hug. "You're surprisingly early, I haven't started on the popcorn yet." She said after pulling back.

And before I could answer, the woman who I now know as Rosa came wiping her hands on a towel and picked up a trash bag. "That'll be all for today, Miss Shiba. I'll come again on Tuesday." She said. Then Yuzuha thanked her, held her finger up to me as if saying 'wait just one minute' and went walking out of the kitchen with Rosa.

I dropped my backpack to the floor and took a seat. Glancing around me, I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks when my mind recalled what happened in here a week ago. And it wasn't only my mind, because suddenly my body started tingling. Every spot he touched, every inch, started recalling what it felt like. His breath and his sneaky words, how he always managed to have control over everything in me. It wasn't right, I knew that, but it felt right. Somehow, it felt so right.

"Someone is in a good mood." Yuzuha's voice startled me in my chair and I looked at her. She'd came back into the kitchen and I hadn't realized that my lips were tugged in a smile.

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