Chapter 2 - "Furries are gross, but-"

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Lana's POV:


"NIKKI, TODAY WE HAVE TO GO TO BUCC-EES," I yelled in excitement.

Ever since I found out about that sexy beaver, I NEEDED to go. It's been two days and I haven't stopped thinking about Buck. I've been doing SO MUCH research on Bucc-ees. I found out Buck is a female, and I can meet the mascot. Bucc-ees sounds like a dream.

"Lana, are you still going on about that beaver?" Nikki asked, slightly annoyed.

"Yes! If I'm in Texas I'm seeing that Beaver," I said like a confident kid.

"Are you sure you're not high or something?" She said. "That's a long high if you are,"

"I promise I'm not," I said. "Pleaseeeee let me see my Bucky,"

"You do know, Bucky is a furry, right?," Nikki said.

"Furries are gross, but, something about her," I said. "I need her touch,"

"Fine, we can stop at Bucc-ees on our way to Austin," she replied.


"There's one condition though," Nikki said.

"What?" I replied, a smile not leaving my face.

"You need to get help, this is a problem," she replied. A look of disappointment spread her face.

"Okkkk," I said. "I still get to see Bucky,"


Nikki's POV:

I walked out of the room, and into the hotel lobby. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and called Chuck. If Chuck couldn't help, I was going to call her Dad next.

"Hey," Chuck said. She picked up on the second ring, surprisingly fast for her. "Is everything ok?"

"I don't think Lana is ok," I said, being fully honest.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Chuck asked. Fear filled her voice.

"She's calling the Bucc-ee's beaver SEXY," I said. "Ever since my last show, she's been obsessed with that fucking beaver. She needs help and I hoped you could help her,"

"I can try, last time something like this happene-"


"Yep," Chuck said with disappointment.

"What was it?" I asked.

"Ronald McDonald," Chuck said with a sigh. "She was extremely high last time though,"

"I hope she's high now," I said.

"I'll talk to her," Chuck said.

"Thank you," I replied.

Chuck hung up the phone, and I walked out to my car. McDonalds does sound kinda good. Maybe thinking about Ronald McDonald will get Lanas mind off *sighs* bucky.


Lana's POV:

I was starring intensely at pictures of Bucky. Analyzing every single one of her curves. Chuck FaceTimed me so I picked up.

"Hey Lana," Chuck said, questioning.

"Hi, Chuck," I replied. "Have you heard about Bucky?" I asked excitedly.

"Actually, Lana, that's why I called," she said with a sigh.

"OMG BUCKY IS SO CUTE," I yelled excitedly.

"Lizzy, this isn't healthy. Remember what happened with Ronald McDonald? You made out with a picture of him," she said. "Are you high?"

"No," I said. "I'm not high,"

"Are you sure?" She asked, not buying it.

"I promise I'm not," I said.

"Ok," she said, I could tell she didn't believe me. "Show me your eye,"

I put my phone up to my eye. Chuck sighed. I wasn't high.

"Your fucking crazy," she said.

"Nikki's taking me to see the love of my life today," I said. "I can't wait to hug Bucky,"

"When you get home, I'm getting you help," she said.

"Ok, well I have to get ready to see Bucky," I said, excitedly.

"Don't get carried away like you did with Ronald," she said. "See you later,"

"Bye Chuck," I said ending the FaceTime.

I ran to the bathroom and started putting on make up. I chose my hottest outfit and change into that. Bucky was gonna love me.


Chuck's POV:

Lizzy went insane again. HOW WAS SHE NOT HIGH? Maybe she was drunk? But that's not how she acts when she's drunk. She's definitely under the influence of something.

She needs someone to talk some more sense into her. Nikki didn't help, and I don't think I did either. There's only one person left to call.

"Dad," I said frantically. "Your other daughter went insane again,"

"How?" He asked, relatively unsurprised.

"She's obsessed with the Bucc-ees beaver," I said. "She's calling her 'the love of her life',"

"How many drugs do we think she's on this time?" He asked, slightly shamefully.

"She didn't look high when I FaceTimed her," I said. "Your the last person I hoped could help her,"

"Lizzy was super high when this happened with Ronald McDonald," he said.

"I hope she's just high again," I said.

"Or she's just insane," he said. "I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up being the right answer,"

"I don't know what to wish for anymore," I said. "When she gets back to LA, I'm getting her help,"


A/N: Hey y'all how are you? Why do I keep writing this? My friends think I'm high because of this. I love y'all so much, remember to drink water and eat something.

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