Part 10

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Garnet'shine stood on the cold desolate mountain with the note and basket in hand. She had been instructed to wait here by another Sky'wing, but now it seemed as if she was being deceived. Garnet'shine tossed the paper into the mountain breeze, everything falling through her talons.

"Someone's upset." The dragon behind her spoke, approaching from behind the misty breeze that blotted her sight.

Garnet'shine perked up, "Did you bring what I asked for?"

"Sure thing, but did YOU bring what I asked for?"

Garnet'shine nodded her head, placing down the basket full of silver and copper coins. It was enough money to support a large family for a decade or to purchase one of the finest homes anywhere. The other Sky'wing grinned, snatching the woven basket from the ground and handing her a piece of parchment paper along with a suit of armor.

"There's the map of the dungeon and a suit of Sky'wing armor. It was a pleasure."

Garnet'shine's neutral face stared back at him, "Yeah, likewise." She picked up the piece of paper along with the suit of armor, quickly adorning it over her head and chest. The armor was loose, but it would do. The suit almost weighed a fourth of her body, it was a struggle to keep it on.

"Looks a little big on you don't you think?" The Sky'wing guard chuckled.

"It'll work." Garnet'shine was stern and professional, yet on the inside her heart sank. Desperate to see her only child she had raised all those years ago.

For nearly the past decade she had bribed dozens of dragons for an insight into the castle, yet none truly helped her cause, except for now. She had all the information and a disguise to sneakily blend in and snatch her child from the claws of the hell. She began to descend the mountainside, unable to fly as the armor prevented her from even taking off.

"Hey. While I don't know you, goodluck on your death-sentence. I heard the Queen isn't too merciful for traitors." The Sky'wing yelled out as she clumsily tried to descend the mountain

Garnet'shard rolled her eyes and opened her wings, trying to glide down the mountain. The frosty winds barely managed to give her enough lift to glide into the depths of the Sky'wing forest. She looked down, the casasms and ravines spread largely across the Sky'wing kingdom. She also realized that she was losing speed and altitude, and fast.

She was about a third a mile away from the castle, so she looked down at the forest, trying to gain speed and glide faster. It propelled her forward ever so slightly, giving enough lift to bring her towards the bottom of the palace. The maple doors were guarded by a dozen Sky'wings adorned in the same armor she wore. She took a deep breath and inhaled before approaching the door. The Sky'wing guards watched as she clumsily approached them.

A few of them grinned and laughed to themselves at her not-so subtle appearance. She reached the door, which the guards opened for her. The Sky'wing inside asked for her name, she wasn't really prepared for that question and tried to forge a random name.

"Errr, Vermilion." She spoke with uncertainty in her voice.

One of the guards raised their eyebrow, "Haven't heard that name in a while, new recruit?"

"O-of course! First week on the job besides patrolling."

The guard nodded his head, "Go see the commander on the 3rd floor, you have been briefed correct?"

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