Part 3

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On the far side of the Sky'wing kingdom, the group of Sky'wing walked through the prison. Various prisoners reared their heads in shock, some roared and shouted profanities at the guards, and others cowered at the very ends of their cold, stone prison cells. Eventually, they arrived at the very end of the prison, reaching a strange prison cell. The metal bars were replaced by a thick glass shield. The guards slid the glass up, throwing the fearful dragonet inside. The guards then slammed the cell, as the Queen loomed closer, maliciously grinning, "Oh, don't you worry little hybrid, you're a special guest" she chuckled, turning away as her royal escort followed.

Azure'shard screeched, clawing at the glass with his tiny talons, but failing to do any damage. He frowned, backing up and sitting down before looking around and standing up again, suddenly charging at the glass door, and once again, nothing happened. He was too small to do any damage, and even if he was a grown dragon, maybe the glass was specially reinforced. After minutes of terrible escape attempts, he flopped onto the ground in hopelessness and exhaustion.

After what felt like months, a single guard walked up to the cell with a barrel in hand. They opened the glass door, reaching into the barrel without paying attention to the dragonet. Azure'shard got up from where he was laying, before staring at the guard and making a confused chirp. The guard pulled a dead rabbit out of the barrel, turning their head toward the hybrid and raising an eyebrow. Azure'shard looked around, before suddenly pouncing up and making his way around the guard and attempting to exit the open cell. The guard growled in annoyance.
"Get back. I am not a dragonet-sitter."

The guard threw the rabbit onto the ground, before pushing Azure'shard away from the exit with its tail gently and then stepping back out of the cell and closing it. Azure'shard jumped at the door again, roaring and ignoring the rabbit. The guard sighed, before walking off muttering something under their breath, "Why do we even have a dragonet here?"

Suddenly another voice echoed in the lonely prison,"Why, you ask?" The Sky'wing Queen herself returned, standing in front of the guard that was departing. The guard stepped back as she spoke. "Don't you know? This little guy is a hybrid, A hybrid with a lot of potential!" She chuckled.  "Getting a dragon of his dominant tribe is quite impossible, but now that I have him, things are going to get a whole lot more interesting." The Queen then laughed, "You're such an uneducated dragon, how did you even become one of my guards?"

The guard bowed down, "I-I'm sorry, my memory was a bit blurry, forgive me Queen Gemstone."

The Queen rolled her eyes, before walking past the guard into the rest of the prison, "Shut your snout and return to your post." She said in a snarky voice, the guard nodded quickly, leaving the prison swiftly.

Her Majesty, Queen Gemstone walked to Azure'shard's cell, Upon noticing her, he retreated to the back of the cell, crouching down and growling at her in a defensive position, his blue fluff and the few blue bioluminescent scales that he had, began glowing dimly. The Queen grinned, "Oh, look at that! so young but glowing already, so powerful yet so small, I see you're going to enjoy the surprise I have for you."

The dragonet frowned, what is this shiny dragon going to do to him? Where is his mother? Who are all these strange, angry dragons all around him? Where was he? How will he get out of here? He was very confused, but he knew this situation was no good. The red dragon in front of him radiated with an uneasy atmosphere everywhere she went. He had to escape, he had to, but his fire barely worked. How was he even supposed to use it when he doesn't know how to, or even what it was?

Queen Gemstone raised an eyebrow upon noticing his behavior, "What, aren't you excited? I thought dragonets liked surprises. Oh well, you'll like it once you see it." She stepped back, stretching her wings before looking at the rest of the prison, glancing back at Azure'shard, "Now, I've got some business to do with the other prisoners if you'll excuse me." She grinned, before walking away out of sight. The dragonet slowly relaxed, turning away from the glass and facing the stone walls of his cell, making a sad sigh before laying down. The air was cold like the mountaintops, and the only noise he could hear now were the growls, grumbles and occasional chatter between the other residents of this cruel underground dungeon.

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