Part 8

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Garnet'shine stood upon the lonely mountain overlooking the high Sky'wing Palace. Again she looked onward with tears in her eyes. The faint memories of Azure'shard flashed in her mind along with the kidnapping of her child. She understood the Sky'wing kingdom. The child was with no doubt in her mind either enslaved, dead, or stowed away in the deep winding tunnels of that wretched prison.

She squinted her eyes at the faraway castle. While Garnet'shine was far, she dare not approach closer in fear of Sky'wing patrols. Ever since the reign of Queen Gemstone the peaceful Sky'wing kingdom had been ever so slightly militarizing. The arena that was abandoned for many years had been sparkling with life and brutalist fights once again in her rule.

Garnet'shine suddenly looked on to what her home had become. Growing up her parents had taught her kindness and what the power of a Sky'wing could do to help. And yet her kingdom craved violence and fought against everything she was taught. She sighed, her breath revealed by the high altitude and freezing temperature. The sky turned a bright orange as the sun set behind the tall mountains as she set for her travels back home.

Harbinger sat up from his bed, yawning. While it wasn't the pitch-black cave he was used to, the day was indeed falling. He got up from the silk sheets onto the velvet carpet on the floor. He let his talons droop onto the fine fabric, enjoying the texture it provided. He strolled around the circular room, heading towards the door. The sliding oak door opened with ease as he stepped into the lone halls.

He paced down the velvet carpet, exploring the new 'home' he would reside in for the next month or so. He peered into some of the open chambers without doors. Most of them were redundant or leisurely. The dining hall, the banquet room, the music room and the art room were all he remembered. The art room was spectacular to a Night'wing of his prestige. He was pleased to see something that reminded him of home. The halls contained portraits of royalty with such elegance that made them come to life. They were clearly made by professionals. He squinted his eyes to read the small tag. "Queen Scarlet."

He recognized the name. The late queen had been overthrown towards the end of the Sandwing Succession war. The dictator known for her brutality and craze. He looked up at the portrait. It met his expectations. The large, thin snout, the crazed look in her eyes. It captured the idea of her rule. "Evening." A voice spoke from behind him. He drew his eyes away from the artwork and towards the noise. "Fan of the artwork?" Gemstone's advisor stood on the velvet carpet in front of him.

"It is quite exquisite, and yes. Us Night'wings adore quality masterpieces as these."
Marrigold smiled at the response.

"So what brings you here at this hour, can't sleep?" Marrigold started up a conversation.

Harbinger responded truthfully, "We're nocturnal, I was just exploring."

"Ah, I see." The Sky'wing nodded.

"Is there a reason you've found me?" He asked curiously.

Marrigold explained, "The Queen wants to see you."

"I'm flattered." The Night'wing chuckled.

Marrigold laughed, "It's not that kind of meeting."

"Oh, great." Harbinger smirked.

The Sky'wing turned towards the door, beginning to leave the room. Harbinger swiftly followed behind. The two walked towards their room where the two Night'wing guards awaited them. They were dressed in their royal armor. Their armor extended from this snout towards the end of their tail. Red and purple markings outlined their significant spots in a show of royal power.

"Fancy" Marrigold poked at the armor with her talon.

"It's more just for the looks." The Night'wing's tongue hissed as he spoke.

"Plan to get in a fight anytime soon?" Harbinger joked at the two Night'wing guards with him.

The two Night'wings just glared at the two others. "We shouldn't keep the Queen waiting, do follow me." The two guards took up the rear as Harbinger followed behind Marrigold.

The burning torches provided enough light as the sun fully set. The stars and moons shined brightly throughout the night sky. The party moved into the throne room. Harbinger didn't have the moment to truly appreciate the architecture.

The red and orange banners that hung to the side of the stained windows as the ceiling extended high into the sky. The grand marble and caliche pillars stood firmly, leading towards the throne. The silky red and orange carpets lead to the elevated platform where upon the throne sat. It was decorated with rubies and topaz.

Marrigold returned to the side of the Queen as the three Night'wings looked up at her. She looked tired, it was late after all.

"Sorry for the late disturbance, however the hybrid is ready for training. He should be returning to his cell shortly."
Queen Gemstone blurted out.

The Night'wing advisor smiled. "Not to worry, we're nocturnal, and may I ask where he has been all this time?"

The Queen looked confused. "Elaborate."

"Well you said he would be returning to his cell, not that he was prepared to train. Where was he?"

The Queen subtly nodded her head. "I was punishing him for the lackluster performance he demonstrated for you, which I do apologize for. He is a good fighter, but he lacks discipline."

Harbinger nodded. "Great! Guess we'll have to teach him that too."

The Queen nodded, "That is all." Harbinger opened his wings, bowing towards the queen before turning and trotting off. The Night'wing guards followed behind, one in front and one to his rear.

"Such strange dragons." The Queen muttered to herself. "I mean, wouldn't you want to be awake during the day? So you can get more things done?" She pivoted her head towards Marrigold, asking her.

"I guess it's just what they do, Your Majesty," The Queen nodded subtly, before standing from her throne and leaving towards her room.

Azure'shard limped into the glass cage, about every inch of his body soared with pain and covered in bandages. "Holy shit, what the hell happened to you?" Sophellia exclaimed, mouth agape.

"The Queen happened." He responded with a pained voice.

"Yeah, I can see that." The Sea'wing said in worry.

Azure'shard lumbered over to his usual sleeping spot and crashed, exhausted. Sophellia stared at his injuries in awe.

"What in the moons?" The Sand'wing inside of the opposite cage shouted towards Azure'shard. "They roughed you up pretty bad huh?" His voice was raspy and gruff, yet Sophellia and Azure'shard could hear the shock in his voice.

"Yeah... They really did. And they said I gotta train with the Night'wings now."
The hybrid answered as the dark blue dragon in the cage with the Sand'wing grumbled in her sleep.

"Well good luck to you buddy, from what i've seen they're pretty annoying." The Sand'wing said, glaring down at the Sea-Night'wing on the other end of his prison cell.

Azure'shard lowered his head onto the ground. He curled his tail around as he lay onto the stone floor. Sophellia looked concerned beyond her usual neutral face. She scooted up next to him with the bucket of drinking water. "What?" Azure'shard perked his head up.

Sophellia grasped a dirty rag and splashed it into the water, beginning to clean out the deep wounds that weren't bandaged. "I'm helping you." She muttered. Azure'shard let it happen, trying to ignore the stinging pain as she washed out the wounds. He collapsed his eyes, finally getting a moment to rest. 

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