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Once in a fairy tale, there was a little girl with an ash brown hair and Amber kind of eyes who's glaring to a boy who's silently sitting on a chair with an aura saying 'Don't disturb me'.

Just by looking at the kid makes the girl pissed. No emotion, no energy, not smiling nor laugh and not even talking as if this boy is numb. Her patience we're wearing thin so she just snap and march towards the boy's direction who doesn't mind at his surroundings and didn't bother to look at her even though his aware that she's walking towards his direction.

She stop in front of the kid and give him her death glare. The boy tilted his head and raised his eyebrows asking what she wants. The girl got annoyed even more and she wanted to smack his head in the nearest wall.

"Don't you have a tongue? You don't know how to talk?" Little Xeiara said with a brat voice.

The little boy just look at her and put back all his attention to the book his holding as if he didn't hear her.

"I'm talking to you! I shouldn't have agreed what my mom said to be friends with you. You don't even talk! Is your tongue got paralyzed?!"


"Arghhhhh! You're stupid! I think you didn't study coz you don't understand what I'm saying that's why your not talking!" Little Xeiara said with a pissed voice.

The little boy stood up on his sit, Xeiara thought that the boy will already talk to her but her hopes fades when the boy turns his back at her and leave the place without saying anything.

On that moment Xeiara promise to herself that whatever happens she would never be friends with this person, nor talk to him. Everyday she could see him because they're parents are friends, It makes her moods awful, she doesn't want to see him.

But one time when she bring her favorite pet, a rabbit, it got escape in her grasp and jump afar from her. She was crying non stop because that was her dad's gift for her 8th birthday.

She was sniffing and wiping her tears when someone stop in front of her and she was stunned when she saw Spencer holding her pet and his handling it to her, she was speechless and get her pet in his arms, she even noticed some bruises in his knees and arms, he looks dirty as well. From that moment Xeiara knows what happened.

She was shy while looking at Spencer's emotionless face. She owe him from bringing back her pet. She bit her lower lip and hug her favorite rabbit.

"T-thank you"

"Hmm" He said with a nod. Xeiara gasp for what she saw.

Eventhough Spencer we're dirty she still finds him cute, the way he nod and fix his messy hair. She couldn't leave her eyes from him. She can feel her face reddened when Spencer look at her again and nod before turning his back at her.

"What's wrong with me? I should be mad at him and most of all his my enemy" Xeiara said while looking at Spencer's back.

"B-But he help me bring my pet tho" She whispered and cup her face when she feels it hot. Is she blushing? Do I like him?

Xeiara was still looking at Spencer until he was lost in her sight.

"I guess I am" She said with a small smile on her face.

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