The adults had a table to themselves and Cassie and her friends had a table near the adults. They told the waiter that they were together and that they were covering their bill.


The weather was getting cold in New York.

Due to Cassie's busy schedule, she hasn't texted Randy that much or her friends. If and when she did hang out with her friends, they were usually working on homework at Topanga's Bakery

Cassie and Zoey auditioned for the school's winter play. In this specific play, Cassie landed the lead role and Zoey landed a supporting character.

Farkle had auditioned as well, but he didn't land a role. Instead of performing, he was helping with building a the set.

"Where have you been, Cassie?" Farkle asked her one day at rehearsals.

"Oh, just... really busy with homework and acting," Cassie sighed.

"I - we miss you," Farkle said. 

"Unless we're working on homework outside of class, that's all the time I have," Cassie sighed.

"How - how are things between you and Randy?"

"We... we haven't been talking that much," Cassie shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Just busy," Cassie said. 

"Is he... is he your boyfriend?" Farkle asked.

"We just went on that one date," Cassie said. "We have't gone out since then."


"How are things between you and Smackle?" Cassie asked.

"Alright, I guess," Farkle said, his demeanor changing.

"Are you okay?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah, yeah," Farkle lied. "Can I... um, can I trust you with something? Don't tell anyone anything."

"Yeah, of course," Cassie said. "You can trust me."

"Um, I'm not sure how obvious this is, but Smackle and I... we've drifted apart," Farkle admitted. "I'm not sure what to do to fix it and truthfully... I don't want to fix it."

Cassie felt her heart drop. 

She liked Farkle. A lot. But she didn't like hearing how sad he was about his relationship with Smackle. She wanted him to be happy, even if it wasn't with her.

"You should talk to her," Cassie told him. "If you guys have drifted apart and you don't want to fix it, talk to her about it. In person," she emphasized. "Don't do it over text or phone."

"You think it's a good idea?"

"Isn't communication important in relationships?" Cassie said.

This advice was something that Cassie needed to take. She needed to talk to Randy and let him know how she really feels. She can't expect him to wait around for her and she knew that nothing will change how she feels for him. She really needs to talk to him.

"Yeah, that's true," Farkle admitted.

Cassie smiled.

Farkle looked over Cassie's shoulder.

She looked back to see Smackle standing at the school's auditorium door, staring at them.

"Oh, crap," Farkle said. "There she is."

"Talk to her," Cassie said. "She's here now."

"You're right," Farkle said.

He took a deep breath and straightened up, mustering his confidence and walked over to Smackle.

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