04 ~ bakery

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Once Cassie finished her shift for the day, she to the staff area at the restaurant she works at and changed out of her work uniform and left.

Harley and Zoey were at Topanga's Bakery where they often meet. 

"Hey, guys," Cassie greeted them, tiredly.



"I got you guys some chicken tenders and French fries," Cassie said, showing them two white boxes. "On me."

Harley's and Zoey's lit up at the mention.

"Oh my God, thank you," Zoey said.

Cassie sat down and gave her two best friends the boxes.

"Thanks," Harley smiled.

Knowing the prices of the food at the restaurant that Cassie works at, Harley and Zoey picked up their phones and Venmo'd Cassie the money for that.

"Why did you guys do that?" Cassie asked, checking the notifications.

"They're going to take that out of your pay check," Harley said.

"Yeah, and you've been working hard," Zoey added.

Cassie leaned back and sighed.

She was too tired to argue with them about this.

"How was work?" Zoey asked as Harley placed the white box on the coffee table.

"You don't want to know," Cassie shook her head. 

"That bad?" Harley asked, sympathetically.

Cassie nodded.

Cassie pulled out her phone and unlocked it.

"Are you planning on doing anything tomorrow?" Zoey asked, looking between Cassie and Harley.

"No," Cassie shook her head. "Thankfully, I don't have work tomorrow."

Cassie texted her parents, letting them know she's at the bakery with Harley and Zoey. She set her phone down on the table and gave her friends her full attention.

"Maya and I are going on a date tomorrow," Harley said. "Sorry."

"Oh, it's fine," Zoey assured him.

"What do you want to do?" Cassie asked, knowing that Zoey wanted to do something.

"Do you want to come over?" Zoey smiled.

"Yeah, sure," Cassie smiled.

Zoey smiled. "Wait, do you have work the day after tomorrow?"

"No," Cassie shook her head.

"What days do you work again?" Harley asked.

"I work Sunday's to Thursdays," Cassie said. 

"Do you want to sleep over since you don't have work on Saturday."

The smile Cassie's face grew.

"Yeah, sure," Cassie said. "I just need to make sure with my parents I can."

Zoey nodded, understandingly.

"If anything happens, we can have the sleepover at my place," Cassie said.

Harley's phone screen lit up a few times. 

He picked up and checked it.

"Yeah," Zoey agreed. "Okay."

"Well, you two have fun," Harley said. "I need to go home."

"Already?" Cassie said, disappointedly. 

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