03 - movies

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Cassie and Harley met up with Zoey at the sushi bar by the movie theater. Zoey was there when Cassie and Harley got there.

"Hey," Cassie smiled. 

"Hi," Zoey said, setting her phone down.

Cassie and Harley sat down across from her.

"Hey," Harley smiled. "How's everything?"

"Alright," Zoey shrugged. "What about you two?"

"Tired," Cassie admitted. "Work has been..."

"Exhausting?" Harley raised his eyebrows.

"More than ever," Cassie said. "I've had to deal with so many rude customers. It's so frustrating and draining."

"What happened?" Zoey asked.

"Oh, I don't want to get into it," Cassie shook her head. "It'll just bother me even more than I already am by them."

Their waiter came came over.

The waiter looked around their age, maybe a year older than them. He had short, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He was pretty tall as well.

Randy, his name tag said.

"Are you ready to order?" Randy asked.

"Um, can you give us a sec?" Harley asked.

"Sure," the waiter smiled. 

He walked over to another table and Cassie, Zoey and Harley picked up their menus to take a look at what they had and decide on what they wanted to order.

Once they were ready, Randy came over and took their order.

Their conversation went from talking about what they wanted to order to the movie they were going to watch after dinner.

They talked excitedly about the movie and what they think will happen based on the trailer alone.

As they talked, Cassie noticed a group laughing and talking as they walked over to a table.

It was Farkle Minkus.

It was Farkle Minkus with his friends from the chemistry club. He was with Isadora Smackle. With his girlfriend.

Cassie's heart ached when she saw Farkle with Smackle. Her heart ached seeing him with her, seeing him with another girl.

Cassie didn't hate Smackle. She didn't. She thought that Smackle was nice but... there was a part of Cassie, a part of her that Cassie refused to admit to, that wished she could trade places with Smackle. 

Harley and Zoey noticed that Cassie was now distracted and they understood why. They knew what was going on and what Cassie was feeling, despite her refusal to admit. 

"Are you okay?" Zoey asked.

"Hm?" Cassie looked away from Farkle, Smackle and their friends to her friends. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I know you refuse to admit it, but you should tell Farkle how you feel," Harley said. "He might feel the same way."

"We know you like him," Zoey said.

"I have no idea what," Cassie lied. "Even if I did like him, I can't do anything about it because he has a girlfriend that he's happy with."

Zoey and Harley glanced at each other.

Randy came with their drinks.

They thanked him before he went to another table. Farkle's table.

On Stage [Farkle Minkus]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ