12 ~ weekend

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Cassie went into several different auditions within the first week of school. One of her parents would come pick her up from school, take her to the audition then drop her home and go back to work or just continue working from home. She barely had time to hang out with her friends.

When the weekend rolled around, relief washed over Cassie. She had more free time to hang out with her friends and do homework.

"Are you coming to the bakery?" Gabe asked Cassie as they walked down the stairs of their school at the end of the school day.

"Is that where everyone's going to?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah," Gabe nodded. "Coming?"

"Yeah," Cassie nodded.

"How's the whole acting thing?" Gabe asked.

"Alright," Cassie said. "I landed a role in a tv show."

"Really?" Gabe said. "What is the role?"

"Well, it's a recurring character on a TV show," Cassie said. "It's a show on..."

Cassie began telling Gabe the show that she was going to be appearing on. 

Gabe listened. Even if it looked like he wasn't paying attention, Cassie knew he was listening to him.

"That's cool," Gabe smiled.

Cassie smiled as well.

"Thanks," Cassie said. "I'm... I'm glad that I landed a role. I haven't been landing any roles for most of the year."

"Oh," Gabe said. "That sucks."

"It does," Cassie agreed.

"Have you asked Harley's parents for help?" Gabe asked.

"No," Cassie shook her head as she opened the door to the bakery.

"Why not?" Gabe asked, following her in. "I'm sure they'll help."

"I know," Cassie said as they sat down at their usual spot, "but it doesn't feel right to ask them for help."

They continued to talk about Cassie's acting career than began talking about Gabe's writing. 

Cassie knew Gabe loved writing. She noticed him writing all the time.

He worked with Harley on some articles together. Gabriel began working with Harley at a local newspaper. It seemed fitting that the two would work together. Harley is a photographer and Gabe is a writer. Cassie thought that Gabe got hired quick, but didn't voice it.

The rest of their friends joined them, minus Smackle.

"Where's Smackle?" Zoey asked.

"She couldn't come," Farkle said, disappointedly. "I told her she should come with us, but..."

"She turned you down," Gabe said.

Farkle nodded.

"Where's Caleb?" Lucas asked.

"He's at with a few of his friends," Gabe said.

It almost sounded like he was bitter, but Cassie didn't say anything. She didn't want to ask Gabe what happened. Especially when he did not volunteer the information.

Katy Hart, Maya's mother and one of the waitresses in the bakery, brought them their usual orders and they ate and drink their milkshakes and talked and laughed.

An hour and a half later, Cassie had to leave. She said goodbye and went back home.

Her dad had a dinner event for work and Cassie had to go with him and her mother. She was dreading it, but she had no other choice. Scott and Robin knew she did not want to come, but her coming was out of their control. All families of the employees at Scott's work had to come, including kids if they are old enough to attend and Cassie was old enough to go. 

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