15 ~ movie role

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Cassie dreaded going to school. 

It's that time of the semester where she had a ton of homework, tests, projects and quizzes. It's all getting overwhelming.

She found herself staying up quiet late trying to get everything done on time. Her auditions and acting isn't helping her stress. 

Cassie likes school and acting, but it's all getting exhausting and overwhelming at the moment.

When the weekend rolled around, Cassie couldn't be happier. It was the first weekend in weeks where she didn't have to worry or stress about school or work. 

After having breakfast on Saturday morning, Scott said, "We're going out for dinner tonight."

"Really?" Cassie said. 

"Yeah," Robin said. "Do you want to invite your Harley and Zoey?"

"Can I?" Cassie said, perking up.

Scott smiled. "Yeah. Invite any of your friends."

Cassie smiled and instantly picked up her phone to text her friends to come to dinner if they could.

Cassie didn't realize that she was hoping Farkle to come until he said that couldn't make it. He and the chemistry club had plans that night.

Why is she still feeling this way?

"Is that boy, Randy, coming?" Robin asked.

"Oh, he's busy," Cassie lied.

Whether or not Randy could come, she didn't know. She didn't text him.

Truthfully, she didn't want him to come. 

She was trying to figure out how she felt for him. She knew she liked him, but whether she liked him romantically, she wasn't sure.

She then remembered that she felt relieved when her date with Randy ended. She just wanted to get out of there halfway through the date. She remembered that she kept looking at the door, expecting Farkle to come in and ruining the date. 

"Who's coming?" Scott asked. "Did any of them reply?"

"Oh, yeah, Harley, Zoey and Gabe said they could come," Cassie said. "And Maya said that she was going to get back to me."

"The rest?" Robin asked.

"Busy," Cassie said. "But it's fine."

She didn't take her friends not being able to come too personally, especially when she texted them the day of the dinner.

Cassie helped clean up the table and wash the dishes before retreating into her bedroom.

Cassie checked her email. 

Her agent had emailed her and her parents about potential roles that she might be interested in auditioning and about callbacks that she got.

There were a few roles that she was disappointed in not getting a callback for or just getting at all, but she was used to it. 

Rejection was part of the job. She can't expect to get every single role she auditioned for. 

After responding to some emails and going over the section of scripts she could for auditions, Cassie and Robin went grocery shopping and get coffee.

Maya eventually texted Cassie back telling her that she was able to come to dinner.

Since Harley was coming, Robin and Scott thought it would be a good idea to invite his parents and Peter to come to dinner as well, which they did when dinner rolled around.

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