09 - preparations

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Stress levels were high as the performances approached.

At that point, volunteers weren't needed to help set up the play. Cassie and Harley were no longer needed to go to rehearsals and help out around the play.

They showed up regardless to be there to support Zoey and calm her down if and when she begins to freak out over the approaching performances.

Today, Maya came to see parts of the play.

"So you guys built all that?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, we did," Harley smiled, proudly.

"Impressive," Maya said.

Cassie noticed Harley's face turning red as she turned around.

"I'm going to see if there's anything we can do," Cassie informed them.

"Do we have to?" Maya whined.

"I mean, we're here, so might as well help," Cassie heard Harley tell Maya as she walked away.

She walked over to Mrs. Bennet and asked if there's anything she can do to help.

"Um," Mrs. Bennet scanned the theater to see if there's anything Cassie to do, "there... isn't anything."

She looked back at Cassie.

"If anything comes up, I'll let you know, but you don't have it," Mrs. Bennet said.

Cassie nodded.

She turned around to see Harley and Maya laughing.

She would rejoin them, but she thought it would be best to leave them be and find Zoey.

Cassie went backstage and asked one of the cast. members if Zoey is here and where she is. The little boy said that she was in a dressing room.

"Zoey!" Cassie called.

"In here!" she heard Zoey's voice near the back.

She walked to the back and a door cracked open.

"Come in," Zoey said.

Cassie came in.

"Have you been talking to Farkle?" Zoey asked.

"Not that often," Cassie admitted. "Not since he saw me at the coffee shop with Randy."

"Does he still think it's a date?" 

"I don't know," Cassie said.

"Was it a date?" Zoey wondered.

"I don't know," Cassie repeated. "When Randy asked to hang out, he never mentioned it being a date."

"Do you think it was?"

"No," Cassie said.

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know," Cassie said. "He's such a nice guy, I don't..."

"Let me guess, you want to like him, but don't feel anything?"

"Yes! Exactly! I want to like him, but I don't feel anything."

"Farkle texted me earlier saying he's coming to help out today," Zoey told Cassie.


"Uh - huh. You can open your eyes."


Cassie opened her eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Zoey asked.

"I have no idea," Cassie said. "I can't avoid talking to him forever."

"No, you can't," Zoey agreed. "Where are Harley and Maya?"

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