Chapter One

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I sat in bed, searching the web for a new source of entertainment. I online school and finished all my work so that's not an option. I have Twitter up as a tab if anything actually happens. It's mostly just people asking me if I can tell my famous brother how much they love him. Yeah, not happening. I may seem like the sweet sister but I wish I was more than just the sister. I want to be my own individual.

That's right, I have a famous brother. Very famous may I add. He is considered one of the most famous YouTubers out there. 1/2 of Smosh. Anthony Padilla was my brother. I loved him to death but the attention was annoying sometimes. I didn't always love the fact that people I didn't know, knew me. It's really unnatural.

I clicked on the Twitter tab again and saw that I had a mention. It wasn't from a fan, but from Ian. I clicked on the notification and looked at what it said.

"Love my girl @chloepadilla12 for being her. She may suck but she cool." I smiled. Ian would occasionally send these tweets sometimes to make me feel better.

Ian and Anthony knew how much I hated being known for being Anthony's sister. They knew I loved them to death but they knew I didn't love not being able to be my own person without being compared to Anthony.

"Hey, I'll be home in 10. Finishing my run. You home?" I reached for my phone and read the text from Anthony. I smiled and answered.

"Oh come on. Do I ever leave?" I answered. I got a response back almost immediately.

"Fair point sista. I got a bunch of work to do at the office. You wanna come?" I didn't even have to think about it. It was either going to sit in my room all day with nothing to do, or go hang out with Ian and Anthony at the coolest office I know.

"Sounds good. See ya soon." I texted before jumping out of bed. I walked to my closet with excitement considering I hadn't been to the office in a few months. I grabbed my favorite pair of dark jeans and pulled them on. I found my favorite Smosh shirt and a red jacket. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and applied just a little makeup before walking to the kitchen to get some milk.

"Where's my favorite teenager?!" I heard Anthony chant from the other room. I smiled and chanted back.

"Kitchen!" Anthony jumped into the room and scared the shit out of me. I glared at him and continued to get myself a refreshment.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked leaning against the wall of the kitchen entrance. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"No. Wasn't really hungry until now. Why?" I asked stopping to look at him. He smiled and wiped sweat from his face. Every morning he did a 4 mile run around LA. I'm usually asleep the whole time he does it but today he woke up late.

"Let's go get breakfast before we head to the office. We used to do it all the time but we never do. We'll go to the diner you like too." I smiled at him. He was the best brother I knew. He was one of the only people who actually cared about me anymore.

"Just me and you or is Ian gonna come?" I asked putting the stuff I planned making my breakfast with away. He didn't have to consider the question. He answered almost immediately.

"It's up to you. I don't know if Ian's already at the office or not." I nodded and grabbed my phone.

"I'm gonna invite him. He's my family too." I said unlocking my phone and pulling up my conversations with Ian.

"Going to eat with Anthony. Want to come?" I texted Ian before looking back at Anthony.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower and change. Don't eat while I'm gone!" He said before running off. I laughed and walked over to the couch. I plopped down with excitement. I haven't had lunch with Ian and Anthony in forever. The last time we went was a few months ago and we were approached by 20 people. We counted. We had a bet. Ian won. He guessed the closest number.

"I'll be over in 10. See my tweet?" I smiled at Ian's text. Sometimes I felt like Ian cared more about me than Anthony. I felt like I could confide in Ian and he wouldn't care like Anthony would. I loved Anthony to death without a doubt but sometimes I like Ian's not protectiveness.

"Yeah. Thanks. That means a lot. I love you too Ian!" I stood up and began to stretch a little because I felt uncomfortable. Then I heard a knock at the front door.

I jumped up and ran to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw just the individual I wanted to see.

"Ian!" I said swinging open the door. He was wearing a white tshirt and a black jacket with dark jeans. I jumped into a hug with him.

"I haven't seen you in forever Chloe! It's been months!" He said rubbing my back. It was true. I haven't seen Ian since him and I got in a fight over the way Anthony parents me. We made up but never really got around to seeing each other. He was the best friend I've ever had and I missed him like crazy.

"I know! I missed you!" Ian and I may have been 9 years apart, but him and I got along so well. Anthony would always be his best friend but he's told me I'm a close 2nd.

"Hey best friends." Anthony said with a laugh. He wore just a simple grey tshirt and jeans. So like Anthony. Simple. I pulled on my white converse and linked arms with the two.

"We making this bet again? How many fans will approach us today?" Ian said unlinking with me and checking his phone. I let go of Anthony too so we could just walk.

"Why not? I mean, you'll probably win again." Anthony said with a laugh. This made me laugh as we stepped into the elevator.

"I'm saying 25 fans. That's a lot but I'm taking my chances." I said. They both looked at me and smiled.

"I'll say 15." Ian said. Now it was Anthony.

"22." Anthony said. Now we must determine prizes. "If I win, I want you both to go on a hiking trip with me this weekend." Anthony was so a fitness guy, I wasn't shocked that he said that.

"If I win, you both are buying me lunch for lunchtime with Smosh." Ian said with a laugh. "Hey Chloe, you should do lunchtime with us. You haven't been in one of our videos since like, last year."

"Yeah. You should! We have new members joining the Smosh family too so it will be like a big old lunch." Anthony chimed in. I smiled and thought it over.

"Maybe. I'll think about it but you guys know I hate being popular because of you." They both sighed.

"We're not trying to make you popular. We're trying to have fun with our favorite girl." Anthony said bumping my shoulder.

"I know but it still does just that. Last time I was in one of your videos, I gained 33 followers on Twitter, and 102 on Instagram." I said sadly. Ian wrapped an arm around me, rubbing my arm gently. I may be 18 but he sure treated me like his 12 year old sister.

"I understand if you don't want to but please just consider it." Anthony said. I smiled at him and sorta elbowed him.

"I shall consider it. Thank you very much." By this time we had already reached the restaurant. I kissed Anthony's cheek before stepping out. Finally, I was with my family.

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