Chapter 6-First Class

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Alicia (or Professor Lovett) was in her office preparing for her first class. Sixth years. Lily and the marauders year.

When they walked in,they saw her at the desk,wand laying on the table forgotten. They all saw her rubbing her arm and staring into space,but when she noticed the students,she quickly stopped.

"So,um hi. I am your new Defence the Dark Arts teacher,Professor Lovett,but do not call me Professor. Just call me anything other than that." She said.

"How can you be a teacher?" Asked a greasy haired boy. Snape. Thought Alex.
"Well,Mr Snape,I have lived things that you can only dream of,and I am your teacher. Ever question my position again,and this goes for everyone,you will get detention. You got that?" She asked in a dangerously calm voice. "Yes Professor." Said Snape.

"Today we do not need your wands. Just look carefully. Open your books to page 57." She instructed the class,and they listened. "But Professor,this is about the unforgivable curses" said Lily. "Well,Miss Evans,I recall that my sister and her friends learnt and saw all of the curses in their fourth year. And one of them has been under them all,so I think that it's perfect for you to know this." Said Alicia,as James Potter asked, " Even the killing curse?,and by the way,how old are you?" he asked. "Even the killing curse. He was the only person to survive,because his parents were murdered by the dark lord." Said Alicia,as the class gasped. "And for your information,I am 12 years old." She told them,as more whispers broke out. "Silence." She told the class.

"Now,can anyone name the one of the unforgivable curses?" She asked her class. "The inperius curse." Said a random student. "That's the first one,5 points to Gryffindor. Ok can anyone name the next one?" She asked,already knowing the answer,and she could still feel the pain.

Many Slytherins put their hands up,smirking madly. Alex pointed to a Slytherin student. "The cruciatus curse." He said. "Yes. 3 points to Slytherin." She said grimly. "And the last curse. The killing curse. The curse that can end one's life." She said,as the bell rang signalling the next class. "You can go." She said,and they left. "That was one heck of a class." She whispered to herself.

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