Chapter 2- At least i tried

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Faith's POV
i opened my eyes to an unfamiliar place that was pretty much how a horror movie started

Dark surroundings, almost no sound and weird smell- blood?

As soon as the smell of blood reached my nostrils, i went into doctor mode trying to find the source of blood

As i tried to walk while guiding myself, i felt the smell getting stronger and stronger until my hand hit a strong base and i realized it was a door

I fumbled with the door knob and soon enough it opened, i sighed in relief

As I opened the door i saw a man standing in front of me and all that relief from a second ago slipped away

I didn't open the door- he did

The man led me out of the dark room and into a faintly lit hallway

As i walked, i glanced around the place that seemed endless- so many rooms, windows and space

Soon, we reached another room and the man pushed me inside the room closing the door behind me

I turned around to see the room that had enough light for me to get around

There was equipment like gloves, mask and a lab coat? There was also equipment for dissection

As i observed the equipment, my entire body shivered at this one thought

I was here to take care of a patient

All the dots were connecting

The smell of blood, kidnapping a doctor and these materials

I couldn't stay here- i thought and quickly went to the door to unlock it but it wouldn't budge

"LET ME OUT" i shouted but received no response

I didn't give up

I grabbed a knife type thing from the table and started meddling with the lock, hopefully it budges

"It won't budge" someone behind me spoke and i almost dropped my knife

How the hell did i not notice that there was someone behind me?

I slowly turned around to see a middle aged man standing with a mask and gloves

"Do what you have to if you want to leave" he spoke to me and i nodded hesitantly

He passed me the equipment gesturing me to get ready and then he took out a key from his pocket, unlocked the door and led me to the room beside this one

As soon as I entered the room, the smell of blood finally made me nauseous

It was so intense that even i was getting a headache

Despite that, I quickly went around the wounded man laying on the bed and examined him

"You have to take him to a hospital" i said examining his wounds

He had been shot twice, one in the leg and one around the shoulder

"Why do you think you are here" a man spoke and i bit my lip

"You don't understand, there's nothing i can do without the right equipment" i said as i checked the man's faintly beating pulse

"Listen doctor. Don't talk, perform the surgery or whatever is needed, just make sure this person isn't dead" the voice spoke to me and i felt goosebumps from his harsh tone

Realizing i had no way to escape, i started doing whatever i could

I loved saving lives but not in a situation like this.

After a few hours of trying to work my way through and receiving help from a few nurses, i felt accomplished enough

Whoever this man was, he was out of danger

I told the people this news and almost all of them dispersed away on their phones informing whoever

I saw the man from earlier and instantly my eyes darted towards his pocket where he earlier took out a key from

This was my only chance- i thought as i saw the reflection of the key in his pocket

I slowly walked to the man who was absorbed in his phone and stood beside him

He didn't even pay attention to me- well good for me

I hesitantly extended my arm to his pocket and without making it obvious, pulled the key out of his pocket

I slipped the key inside my coat and took a step back to regain my breathing

Now only one thing- i had to ask him to go somewhere so i could unlock the door and leave

As i looked around trying to come up with a solution- the most normal and probably the most valid excuse came in my mind

"Hey listen" i said to the man who turned around in an instant

"Can i get a glass of water please?" I said carefully toning my words to a pleading tone

The man looked at me for a second but I maintained my posture, he put his phone aside and walked to the back of the room out of sight

Taking that as my cue, i walked over to the door and with all the hope in my heart, i entered the key in the lock and twisted it around until finally

The unlock sound was heard and my heart beamed with happiness

I quickly got out of the room and closed the door behind me

I looked around to the empty hallway and then went back to where i first found myself in

They probably threw me in the first room that was available- i assumed as i walked to the front of the hallway and soon enough found a door

As i cautiously approached the door, i looked here and there before placing my hand on the door knob

Suddenly, i could hear loud voices and yelling


"SHES GONE" someone yelled across the room and I panicked

I opened the door and ran out of the building

I kept running to wherever i could, looking back every second

The sounds grew closer and I accepted the fact that they will catch me when suddenly

I slammed myself into something and stumbled backwards falling on the ground

"Ugh" i let out a small cry from the instant pain

I looked up to see what it was and my breath hitched in my throat as i saw the shadow of a person leaning over to me like a tower

In the dark night, i could not see his face but only his body

The only thing i could assume right now was- welp I'm screwed


-who do you think she bumped into?😭

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