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No One's POV:

"Wake up, you potato," Taehyung playfully teased as he pushed Eunji out of her cozy cocoon of blankets. She grumbled in protest, her half-asleep state making her defenseless against her mischievous older brother's morning antics. "Kim Taehyung, how can you throw me off the bed like that? I am your younger sister," Eunji whined, her voice muffled by the pillow she clung to.

With a glance at the digital clock on the nightstand, Taehyung declared, "It's 7:30 a.m., and school starts at 8:00 AM." He had mastered the art of waking Eunji up on time, often resorting to gentle coercion to ensure they made it to school punctually.

Eunji rolled her eyes but begrudgingly dragged herself out of bed and trudged toward the bathroom. "I am not in the mood to drive today, so Jimin's picking us up," Taehyung casually dropped the bombshell, his tone implying that it was a matter of fact.

The bathroom door flew open as quickly as it had shut. Eunji's voice escalated to a screech, "JIMIN IS PICKING US UP? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" She slammed the door shut in a whirl of excitement and disbelief.

Taehyung watched the door suspiciously, hoping that his cousin didn't have any romantic inclinations towards Jimin. He knew he was an overprotective brother, standing guard against any potential suitors for Eunji.

Eunji hurriedly finished her morning routine, her mind now racing with the prospect of sitting in the front seat next to Jimin. It was a golden opportunity that fate had bestowed upon her, and she wasn't about to let it slip through her fingers.

Eunji might have been an atheist, but today, she found herself thanking the universe, or at least her lucky stars, for this unexpected turn of events. Jimin's presence would make this morning infinitely better.

She inhaled her cereal as though it was the breakfast of champions and then plopped herself in front of the TV, fully prepared for the day's adventure.

As Taehyung descended the stairs, his appearance was anything but polished. His tie was askew, and his hair was in a state of disarray. Eunji couldn't help but comment, "Do you even know how to use a comb?" Taehyung, caught off guard, choked on his morning milk.

"What are you doing here? You're usually sleeping in the bathroom around this time. You scared the living shit out of me," Taehyung said once he had regained his composure, sipping a glass of water to soothe his startled nerves.

"It's because we're going with Jimin," Eunji explained, and Taehyung raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "I don't want to get him late, okay? That's it," she clarified, hoping to divert any suspicion he might be harboring.

Taehyung, ever the protective older brother, narrowed his eyes at her but eventually nodded in acquiescence. He was beginning to understand her intentions.

Eunji approached him and deftly fixed his unruly hair and adjusted his tie. "You're so clueless about presenting yourself properly. What will happen to you after I move out?" she teased, her fingers expertly working on his attire.

A soft smile tugged at Taehyung's lips. "I won't ever let you move out, Eunji. You're gonna be my baby sister forever," he said affectionately, ruffling her hair playfully.

Eunji retaliated by trying to choke him with his tie. Taehyung's coughing fit ensued, and Eunji quickly loosened his tie, feigning innocence. "What if I choked to death?" he complained, his eyes still watery from the near-strangulation.

Eunji grinned mischievously. "I'm sure you're a psychopath by now," He teased before taking a sip of his milk.

They heard a car honk outside, and Eunji dashed out of the house. Eager to maintain his dominance over the front seat next to Jimin, Taehyung pushed Eunji aside and slipped into the car first. He couldn't let his little sister get too close to his friend.

"Thanks for opening the door for me," Taehyung said, casting a smug look at Eunji, silently communicating his intention to maintain his front-seat status. Eunji responded with a sly smile that promised retribution, and Taehyung realized he might have just triggered her infamous wrath.

Taehyung nervously gulped when he saw that smile. He underestimated Eunji's determination to sit next to Jimin. 'What's wrong with stealing the front seat from her?' he thought. 'I know she likes it, but I like it more.'

Little did Taehyung know that Eunji had a far greater liking for the guy sitting in the front seat next to him than for the seat itself. She begrudgingly settled in the back seat, her expression a mix of annoyance and disappointment. Jimin, who had witnessed the front-seat drama unfold, chuckled lightly, appreciating Eunji's determination.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you," Taehyung began, his words muffled as Eunji's hand covered his mouth, "I ruffled Eunji's hair like 5 minutes ago as she was fixing my tie, and she—mmph mmph."

Eunji leaned in, whispering in Taehyung's ear, "I'll cook your favorite dishes for you if you shut up this instant." Taehyung instantly complied, knowing that Eunji's culinary skills were a force to be reckoned with. He loved her cooking more than he cared to admit.

Eunji had dreams beyond being her brother's protector and chef. She aspired to become a renowned chef and open her restaurant someday, a goal she was passionately pursuing.

Jimin finally parked the car in front of the school gate. Taehyung ushered Eunji to get out, and she did so with a groan of disappointment. Today, she hadn't even had a chance to talk to Jimin.

As Jimin and Taehyung headed toward their classroom, they were met with a growing commotion up ahead, drawing their attention and curiosity.

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