
195 8 3

Aleksei Petrov

I walked into Auroras and my bedroom to see the most beautiful sight in the world. My Queen and Princesses laughing.

Winter and summer gave us some hope for us that the world could be better, I remember how I found out that Rora was Pregnant with them.

I just got home from the meeting with my father, nobody knows where exactly in Russia are we staying except my family and the people close to us, and the guards who are staying here.

I parked the car and walked through the pathway to the mansion's front door. I walked upstairs to look if Aurora was in our room.

I opened the door and heard gagging in the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in to see her kneeling in front of the toilet.

I rushed next to her and held her hair as I smoothed her back "you are going to be okay" I told her.

I helped her up and helped her stand as she brushed her teeth.

"You want to see the doctor?" I asked since it isn't the first time she has thrown up this week.

She didn't say anything opened the drawer and took out a white stick
" I'm pregnant" she whispered and gave it to me. I just stared at the plus sign on one stick and another one had pregnant written on it.

"Say something please," she said almost begging me to say something
I smiled and looked at her " you are pregnant, I'm going to be a dad?" I asked and she nodded. I wrapped my hands around her and hugged her tightly  "Thank you" I whispered

"Daddy" I heard a squeal as little hands wrapped around my leg.

"Hello princess," I said as I picked summer up and kissed her cheek.

She is a perfect mix of me and aurora, my curly light brown hair which will probably go darker by age, and her greenish blue/ gray eyes her personality is complicated she can be sweet as sugar but her sister is the polar opposite.

Winter has straight dark brown hair and brown eyes and if looks could kill everyone would be dead who get on her nerves.

"How are my beautiful girls doing?" I asked as I leaned down and kissed Aurora on the lips.

"We are doing great aren't we winter?" Aurora asked winter and hugged me.

"Yess, uncle Nath took us outside to play, me and summer played tag with Killy and Wind," Winter spoke with a big smile on her face.

There are only a few times when they can go outside and it's either with me, Aurora or Nathaniel. It's for their safety, almost nobody knows about them only a handful of people us, Nathaniel, my parents, and my sister nobody else knows about her and they won't until they are old enough to understand the world we live in.

"So you guys had fun today?" I asked and smiled at them.

"Yes daddy, I had soo much f- fu- fun" winter said as she fell backward into the bed. With her hands stretched out.


I was cooking dinner for four of us when I felt someone hug me from behind and a familiar pair of lips kissed my naked back "Hello love" I said as I turned around.

"Hey, what are you making? " she smiled at me. I leaned closer to her so my lips would touch her ear as I spoke, "pasta, your favorite" I said and bit her ear.

She nodded and wrapped her hands around my neck pulling me into the kiss. "Ew, you have kids in here" I heard my princesses as they came into the kitchen with killer and wind behind them

I chuckled at them and so did Rora

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