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Lorenzo's guards snapped photos of Aurora's car before driving off just as Aleksei arrived in the alleyway

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Lorenzo's guards snapped photos of Aurora's car before driving off just as Aleksei arrived in the alleyway.

He exited his vehicle and sprinted to hers. Attempting to open Aurora's door, he found it jammed due to a dent.

He then moved to the back seat door, which, upon opening, revealed Liliana, bloodied but not as severely as Aurora.

He rushed to his car, retrieved a blanket from the trunk, spread it on the street, and hurried back to Aurora's car to lift Liliana onto the blanket. After placing the other twin beside her, he pulled out his phone and called Alijah, "I need help; there's been an accident."

"What happened, Aleksei?" Alijah inquired as he brought Alessandro into the call, "What's the situation, Aleksei?"

"Aurora, the Rossi twins, and their friend were in an accident. Aurora and the friend are unconscious, and I can't get them out," he explained, his panic rising as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Send me a location; we're on our way," Alessandro said to Aleksei as he stood up and dashed from his office to the garage.

"Can you do anything to get the door open?" Alijah inquired, attempting to remain calm.

"The only things in my car are clothes, guns, and blankets," he explained, pacing between the two vehicles.

"Have you checked Aurora's car?" Alessandro questioned Aleksei as he drove to the hospital to collect Alijah.

"No," he replied and he began sprinting towards the car.

"What are you waiting for? Go check!" Alessandro shouted at Aleksei as he sped along the road. "Are heaps of guns and knives going to be of any use?" Aleksei pondered, looking over the trunk brimming with weapons.

"What do you mean?" Alijah asked, now genuinely confused. He was astonished to find that his little sister had hidden guns and knives in his truck. "I mean, the only thing in the truck is boxes full of guns and knives."

"Yeah, we heard you the first time; we're almost there. Can you check for a pulse?" Alijah requested as he sat in the front seat of Alessandro's car.

Aleksei moved to the back seat, attempting to determine if Aurora or Tristan had a pulse. "Alijah, Aurora's pulse is faint, almost undetectable," he reported, his voice quivering as he tried to remain calm.

"Check her friends, then look at her wrist," Alijah instructed, glancing towards Alessandro.

"Her friend is fine; I think he is just unconscious; he has blood coming out of a cut on his forehead; Aurora is slow; her clothes are all covered in blood." He checked Aurora's wrist and saw a bracelet he thought he couldn't see anymore.

"Fuck, well, be there soon. I have to end this call, but Alessandro will stay on the line. I need to call the hospital so they can get everything ready and send cars," Alijah said as he ended the call. 5 minutes later, Alessandro and Alijah ran out of the car to Aleksei, who was still trying to open the door.

"How do we do this?" Aleksei asked Aurora's older brothers "We can cut the door off, but then we need to get them out as soon as possible because this thing can explode at any time," Alessandro told them as he looked at the smoke coming from the car.

"Okay, I've got a metal cutter in the boot of my car, Alex. Can you get it?" Alessandro asked Aleksei as he tried to open the door. Aleksei handed them a metal cutter and they started to work while he went into the car to try and open the seat belts. When he saw it wasn't working, he went back to his car to get the emergency kit.

He ran back to the car while taking the seat belt cutter out of the bag.

"Come on," he whispered as he tried to cut through. After a while, he finally cut through the trough, just as Alessandro and Alijah got the door down. "We need to help your friend," Alessandro said.

"I'll check her and help her to the ambulance," Alijah said as he went to check on Aurora and the twins while Alessandro and Aleksei tried to get Tristan out of the car. After a while, Alessandro opened the door as the ambulance arrived.

"Um, guys, can you maybe hurry up, because if we don't get Aurora to the hospital now, we might lose her?" Alijah told them. They nodded and let the paramedics take care of Tristan.

"I'll help in the ambulance; I'll see you both at the hospital." Alijah looked at Alessandro and Aleksei as we walked to the car where Aurora had been placed.

Alessandro Martinez

The thing is, if you lose someone important to you, you will do anything to protect them with your life.

But then comes the time when there is a fifty-fifty chance of losing them, and you will try anything to keep them close.

Since Aurora came, everything has been different, like Dad, me, Alfonzo, and Alijah spending more time at home with our family.

The boys aren't always out partying and stuff; they're at home. She is our light and now that there's a fifty percent chance of losing her, I don't know how I'm going to cope, because if I lose her, I lose my light, my sunshine.

I was sitting in the waiting room thinking when Alijah came and told me that I should probably call the Ross family and our family.

I took out my mobile phone and dialled Rodrigo.

"Hello, Alessandro, how can I help you?" He sounded happy and I knew this call would break him. His daughters mean the world to him, and I know that no father would like to get a call telling him that his children are in the hospital: "Rodrigo, Lilith, and Liliana were in a car accident with Aurora."

"What do you mean? It's not possible that they were with their best guard," he told me as I heard Lisa talking in the back, asking what was going on.

"It was probably one of our enemies," I told him, looking at Aleksei. "He just couldn't let it go." I heard him mutter, "Who are you talking about, Rodrigo?" 

"I'll talk to you when we arrive; where are you now?" he changed his sentence to "Aijah's clinic."

"Got it; I'll talk to you then." With that, he ended the call, leaving me with Aleksei and my thoughts "Did you see the cars?" I turned towards Aleksei.

"Yeah, it was the German mafia. Today at the mall, we had a meeting with the Greeks, and Aurora knew them as well as the Rossi twins. She came into the meeting room to come and leave her bags there so she could go out with Athena, come back bloody, and then leave with the Rossi twins. After I left, I saw some of the French mafia guards dead on the floor, and she kept talking about some Lorenzo guy." he nodded at me as he told me what happened today.

"Okay, I'll call my parents and tell them what happened," I told him as I stood up and walked down the corridors of the hospital.

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