The one with Dimitri at the hospital

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If the situation wasn't life threatening Rose would have laughed at how so many guardians dressed in black are trying to pin Belikov down by holding him by his arms and legs. And in all that Lissa running to them and staking Dimitri.

The rest is mainly a blur. Rose lost touch of what was happening. And now she's at the hospital's waiting room. Lissa, Mason and Alberta are with her.

"Why did we bring him here though? Is it even safe?" She asks.

"As safe as any place in Saint Vladimir's can be." Someone says.

"Can't you go and compel the doctors to tell you what's happening?" Rose asks Lissa that's sitting next to her. She tried to ask the nurse twice how it's going but they didn't answer so she turns to her best friend.

"And amplify the darkness in you? Your aura is already too dark Rose." She says and pulls her into a hug.

"Hello party people." Adrian says and Rose rolls her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Lissa asks.

"He came to annoy me so I won't kill people of medicine." Rose whispers with her head still on Lissa's shoulder. And then she jumps up and runs to him.

"I knew my sex dreams would work eventually." He says and Mason that's next to him growls.

"What? No! I need you to go inside and find out how's Dimitri. Compel them if you have to." She says almost grabbing him from the collar of his shirt.

"There's no need for that Miss Hathaway." The doctor that was standing at the now open door says.

"Is he?" Rose asks.

"Under supervision but for now everything seems to be going well. He's lucid enough to ask for you." The man says and Rose almost shoves him to the side so she can go to Dimitri.

"People in love are annoying. Compulsion..." the man whispers making Lissa laugh. 

Rose runs to his room but stops before she enters it. He's lying on the bed half naked with his eyes closed and some small tubes connected on his right arm.

"I won't bite." He says with a smirk and she chuckles.

"People are afraid you may even eat me alive." She says and walks slowly in the room.

"Define eating?" He says with meaning and finally opens his eyes to look at her. Warm green eyes looking at her.

"I believe the bad kind of it." She responds continuing the word game he started. She sits carefully at the legs of the bed. He just looked so fragile with all these huge machines around him.

"I would like some context over what happened but first I need to know how you are?" he says and sits himself a little higher than he was. Rose runs immediately to fix the pillow behind his back. Dimitri turns to look at her and now their faces are mere inches apart.

"I-" she starts saying but then she feels his fingers trailing her spine softly. She shivers.

"Yes?" He whispers and bends his head a little. His lips now close to her ear and neck. They've been in this position while he was a strigoi. He inhales deeply.

"Believe it or not this scent kept me sane. You kept me sane Roza." His eyes are on hers, his thumb is tracing her lower lip that's trembling.

"I thought I lost you." She says on the verge of tears.

"You never did." He says seriously. "Sometimes your voice was all I could hear."

Words weren't enough. She was trying to find the right thing to say but everything seemed so poor compared to what she was feeling. So she did what she knew he would understand better than anyone.

Softly she cups his face and places a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. Rose can swear she heard him purring. And then another one at the opposite corner. His hand reaches the back of her neck pulling her to him for an accrual kiss but the moment he deepens it she pulls back.

"You seem too fragile now." She explains to his confused look.

"You can't possibly convince me that these two are your most lethal guardians. They are embarrassing." Adrian says standing at the door with Lissa and Alberta with him.    

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