Chapter 8

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*With Touma Kamijou saving Tohka Yatogami from a possible, impending death. The Level 0 glares at the quivering Cure Heart who is currently trying to think of a response to him. Cure Heart finds some words to express while currently shaking in fear, not just with Tohka and an unknown boy, but also herself...

"I-I didn't mean to...I was just trying to save her, a-and her friends. Their hearts were filled with selfish... I had to do what I could! I-I didn't mean this...!"

"...And you save them by attacking them? Don't you realize that's the opposite...?"

"How can you say that you're saving this girl when you just launched an attack like that towards her, after you beaten her down?! Well?!" *Touma approaches Aida as the precure warrior flinches, with her taking a step back. The Level 0 thinks that girl is being ridiculous. How can she say that she's saving people with all this destruction she caused and after launching a tremendous attack to the girl she beaten her down with her own strength? Sure, the girl looks like someone with a good heart. Appearance, behavior, and all. But after everything Touma saw, that outfit and love theme the girl adorns with, just seemed to be a farce based on what he saw! For that, Touma is not gonna let this girl have her way with this.

But before the conflict ensues between Touma Kamijou and Aida Mana, another battle is taken place unbeknownst to them. At the other side of this city...


*While both the magical girl and the level 0 face off, Tetsuo watches this event unfold from afar. The so-called Akira just gazed at the event, having thoughts that scramble around his head after what he just saw. More people with powers. A girl in a magical girl costume literally blasting another girl while they both float in the air. Flying, just like him. And then Touma, the guy who he was walking around with, just stretched his hand out and made that giant heart shape disappear in a flash. Having seen all this, these people are just like "those three kids" in Tetsuo's world. They all had powers as well...

Before Tetsuo could come up with his own ideas, he felt a presence behind him. The feeling felt...morbid. Reeking with raw power and emitting a chaotic aura. Turning himself around, he sees a big figure. A rather large guy as he was in bulky armor with a golden horned helmet he wears around his head with skulls worn as a necklace. Within both his hands, he's carrying a giant flaming sword and shield of crude, intimidating design. Tetsuo took a step back while having his guard up now since it doesn't look like that guy is here to talk... And he's definitely not wearing that whole thing as a costume.

"So... You are one of the desired mortals my new master desires for." *Archaeon confirms as it gazes upon the red caped boy who matches the description shown to it by the entity.

"Wh-who the hell are you?!"

*Archaeon ignores the boy's question and announces its demand "You would be wise to surrender to me, less you shall face the wrath of a chaos champion."

*...Just straight to the point, huh? F***ing great. But what ticked Tetsuo the most was how this big guy thinks he can just boss him around already. Or better yet, the big guy doesn't know who he's messing with as it made him slowly smirk...

"...Hah. Already ordering me around without even an introduction? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Your devastation if you choose to resist my sacred demand, mortal. Perhaps I should wound you in order to deliver you as a whole to my new master." *Archaeon threatens as both its hands strongly grip the handles of his sword and shield, taking a step forward, ready to crush him in order to take this resilient boy with him as demanded by the entity. However, the mortal still resisted as he then glared at the chaos champion's hellfire eyes.

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