Chapter Six

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The young princess opens her eyes to find herself in a cave filled with luminescent blue crystals. Her mind runs through everything that had just happened. They merely escaped Iblīs, and Zassul and Amrita were injured in the process. She was afraid something like this would happen. She considers herself lucky she only came out with a few scratches. However, looking around this strange cave, her friends are nowhere in sight.

"Zassul!" She calls out. Her voice bounces off of the stone walls of the cave, disappearing into its dark horizon.

"It's alright." The woman who spoke to her before presents herself to the young princess again. But she still refuses to give away her appearance. "Your friends are resting." She tries to reassure the princess, but after what just happened, worry is going to be stricken through all three of them. Iblīs won't let this go. "I would like to speak with you privately."

The luminescent crystals granting light to the cave slowly begins to emit a mist. It travels along the cave's path like a beacon, leading the young princess to its exit.

"Walk to the end of the cave." The unknown woman instructs. "I will meet you there."

As the young princess steps out of the cave, she is met with an otherworldly aura. A grove engulfs the outside of the cave, the trees and plants glowing with the same blue light as the crystal. Water cuts through the ground, carrying light that the vegetation sucks up.

The young princess is speechless. Despite all that has happened, being in the presence of this aura has put her at ease. This grove, it's almost too perfect for this world.

The blue light appears in the centre of the grove within the pond. A figure slowly forms within it, revealing a woman draped in a long, white gown. Long, green and blue wings extend from her back, shimmering in the light of the grove. Her mid length, bobbed hair is an icy blue that hugs her pitch black skin. Nothing can be seen on her face except her glowing blue eyes that are covered by long bangs and a white mask.

"Welcome, ______." She speaks calmly to the young princess, sending a slight wave of ease. Even though she appears as a spirit, her aura is as soothing as the atmosphere.

The young princess draws closer and stands before her. "Ethereal." She says to her.

Even though she has no mouth, the young princess can sense a smile as she sees her eyes slightly curve upward. "Yes." Ethereal responds with a nod.

The young princess continues to look around the grove. "What is this place?"

"It's not Hell, if that's what you're wondering. It's just a place that I call home."

The young princess can't help but sigh with relief. Not just because she's out of that horrible place, but because she can finally try to make sense of everything that has happened. "I have so many questions for you."

Yes, I know why you're here. It took a lot of courage making it this far. You and your friends have impressed me. So I shall help you. If you fell into Iblīs' hands, that would be the end of my freedom as well."

"How did you find us?"

"I felt a great disturbance in Iblīs' chakra when you fought him off. I monitor him constantly from afar. You were easy to find after that."

"Where did he go? What happened to him?"

"Instead of him sending your friends to the Oblivion, you sent him instead. However, the Oblivion was created by him. So he will easily escape from it. But you're not in Hell anymore, so you're free. You've got some remarkable power hidden within you."

The young princess gasps in shock. "That force came from me!?"

"Yes, and it's the same power that can put an end to all of this. So I want to help you master it. I'm sure you have questions. What do you wish to know?"

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