Chapter Five

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Unique wildlife fills the young princess' ears. Birds call out around her, leaves rustling from trees in the sky. She opens her eyes to see an ocean of leaves through her blurry vision. The branches rock back and forth like a hypnotic rhythm. Two familiar voices speak beside her, reassuring her that she is not alone.

"She's coming to."

"Have her sit up. She most likely has a headache."

Gentle hands push the young princess off of the cold, hard ground. Zassul and Amrita kneel down before her in the foggy forest. Besides a few small scrapes on her arms, she seems to be alright.

Amrita humphs mockingly at Zassul. "You were too lucky, Zassul."

He responds with a scowl before firing back. "Will you shut up?"

"Get mad at me all you want but I'm not the one who screwed up."

Zassul ignores her and brings his focus back onto the young princess. Concern and guilt fill his eyes. "Are you alright?"

The young princess places a gentle hand against her throbbing forehead as she responds. "What on earth happened to me? I don't remember anything."

Amrita crosses her arms and glares at Zassul. "Well done, Assface. Now she has amnesia."

Zassul turns to her one last time. "Shut up!" He crosses his arms and looks back at the young princess who stares puzzledly at the two.

"What's going on?" She asks, not really wanting to know. She may not remember what happened, but she does remember quite well the situation she is stuck in now. She knows that the strange atmosphere she is in does not connect to the world she was residing in before.

Amrita decides to go first and explains the situation. "Zassul does not know how to aim and hit you with a ball of magic trying to get you here. We're in the Demon World. 'Twas according to plan but we are far from safe."

Zassul rolls his eyes at Amrita's insults. "Now that you're awake, we need to get moving before we're found." He tells the young princess. "Can you walk?"

The young princess looks down at her trembling legs. She can still feel the adrenaline rushing through her veins, even though she has been unconscious for a while. "I-I think so..." She responds with uncertainty. Her legs shake violently as she applies weight to them, but they do not give out on her and support her as she stands.

Amrita nods approvingly. "Good. Now that you're up, we should get going immediately." Her piercing red eyes fall onto Zassul in disgust. "What's the next move, Assface."

"Why are you asking me? You think you're the smartest and wisest one here. You figure it out."

The young princess begins to lose her patience. All three of their lives are in danger and all they can think about is bickering. "Stop it!" She demands from the both of them. She places her hand to her forehead again, the mere effort of yelling at them causing her jaw to grow numb from pain.

"Lovely." Amrita continues to speak to Zassul in a derisive tone. "You hit her so hard in the head that you badly injured her. Some guard dog you are."

Zassul's magenta eyes begin to glow from agitation. "You'll be next if you don't shut the hell up!"

The young princess fights through her pain to scold them again. "Would you two stop!? You think this is how we're going to evade Iblīs!?" She points an accusing finger at both of them. "Zassul, you wanted her to come with us! And Amrita! Stop being so damn arrogant! We may need you but you were the one who insisted on coming with us! So that means you have to listen to us!"

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