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Start from the beginning

There were already camps set up around it from the Military, SWORD, and maybe a few others.

"FRIDAY is it possible to identify the signature?"

"It is possible. We have to get closer but-"

"If we do, we'll get spotted." I finished for her and muttered under my breath. Great. "Bring the drone back please."

"Of course. And Miss Wanda Maximoff's cell phone last pinged near a service tower inside of Westview." And there is the dread in my stomach.

I read up on the case; Pepper sent me the files. An Agent Woo came here with a SWORD Agent Monica Rambeau. Apparently the entire town of Westview, New Jersey was surrounded by an impenetrable force field. And Agent Rambeau was sucked inside.

The only reason I came is because this was just outside Westview. It's where Wanda and Vision were planning to move. When the neighboring towns said that Westview didn't exist, I knew something had to have happened. I'm trying not to think too much about it though.

It's what I was afraid of.

I pressed the pedal a little faster and got to the place with a surprising record. I was able to get in easily; saying I was with STARK INDUSTRIES and they let me in.

I parked the car and followed the flow of different agents. It seemed they had pulled in every single agency that existed. The wall of energy was unprotected and it felt like it was calling me. But I wasn't stupid. I approached, not close but a good few feet away. Is it me or does the wall of energy seem almost-?

"FRIDAY please do a quick scan and compare it to the saved files of Wanda's power scans." I ordered of FRIDAY quietly so the agents that were passing by wouldn't hear.

I hold my wrist out like if I was checking the time but the screen detaches, and a tiny little drone flies to the wall. I made this little beauty in between lunch a few weeks ago. In the past 5 years technology has changed. Not a lot but enough to want to make me catch up. And I've built some stuff in my spare time. It doubles as a gauntlet for me. 

"Veronica Strucker." I turned quickly at the sound of my name, hiding my smart watch behind me.

I recognized the man who called my name as Director Hayward of SWORD. The one who took Vision's body and the one Aurora and Pepper call an asshat. "It's an honor to meet you." He said when he reached me, hand outstretched. "Truly."

I didn't move a muscle to shake his hand. Still keeping my arm behind me till I finally felt the small click of the FRIDAY drone setting in place. Now I cross my arms in front of me.

"You must be Director Hayward." I acknowledged because that was all he was getting. He took Vision, I immediately didn't like him. Hayward nods and awkwardly pulls his hand back. "You've heard of me before."

I nodded. "From what everyone tells me you are an ass." Hayward didn't say anything but I saw one of his forehead veins pulse at my comment. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Those drones you're sending in, what kinda data are you getting?" said a familiar voice. I turned to spot Darcy Lewis speaking with another agent sitting at a workstation. I only recognize her because she was at Tony's funeral. I guess they used to work together on a few projects during the blip. She was also an old friend of Aurora's.

"I'm afraid that's highly classified." The Agent tells her as I walk over, leaving Hayward high and dry.

"You can't see anything?" I questioned the man as I stopped next to Darcy. Darcy looks up at me since I'm slightly taller and also she's sitting down. "Sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I apologized.

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