short chapter

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three missed calls from valerie💓
voice-mail from valerie💓
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listening to voice-mail left by "valerie💓"

"hi sebastian um there's a lot that i didn't get a chance to explain to you so... me and tom had a one night stand two months ago at a premiere for my brother's movie. it didn't mean anything to both of us since we were both drunk and didn't know what we were doing until the next morning and found each other in bed. i did not speak to him for about a week until i started feeling sick. i took a test and i was pregnant. i told him obviously and he wants to be in the baby's life. of course i didn't disagree because i can't do this alone. we don't love each other as lovers but more as friends. and we agreed that we would co parent since he knew i still love you. i still fucking love you. and i'm so sorry for every pain i've caused you. i tried so many times to apologize but the words never came. i your face when ever your with someone else and it fucking hurts. i belong with you.. even if you don't want me because i'm pregnant with someone else's child just know i fucking love you so much"

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calling valerie💓

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