1 - Home Sweet Home

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EDIT: Okay like literally you can skip from chapter 5-7 ish to the whole book #2 UNTIL the last page Book # 3might be better

Cleo's POV

"Eo... Leo... CLEO!"

"OMFG What?!?!" I spring up to feel this weight on my chest

"OMG CLEO!" this voice


Tears began to fall

"Its been a year!" I said squeezeing her to death



"You've been out for a hour for so"

"CLEO!" I heard my best friends call out as they enter the room

"CLEO! OMG ARE U OKAY?" Sora asked as he squeezed the life out of me.

"U have ALOT to answer first of all why is there characters form AnY here?!?!?!" Sam says as she pushes ms aside and shakes yona

Oh yah I was hugging yona and protecting her


"Don't oh me! Explain!" Sora and the others had eyes on me

"Guys wake up!"" I was literally slapping them on the face except for yun and Yona

"Wa tha" kija said getting up

"Cl..eo?" Yona said rubbing her eyes

Yun got up normally just normally

Hak and the rest was growling as they got up

"Where are we?" They ask


"Cleo becuase I didn't want to lose U nor anyone else agian!" Yona said almost at he verge of tears

"Okay well it seams u are all trapped here I mean literally cuss until I find a way to use my powers and unlocking them I might but for now let me explain cuss both sides are lost right now"

I started to talk and talk and talk

About an hour has past and everything made sense

"OHHHH" they all said

"So this is the 'real world' and U came along with me and it seams that we are back to my world"

"Ohhhh" they keep on ohhig


"sorry I just..."

"It's fine as long as U understand and thank U I can't believe U all came for me T^T"

As I had a reunion and such I relaized we were in my room...

My room...

"CLEO ARE U OKAY????" I heard a very cute voice calling out to me as then person bargged into my room

As Kiki entered and as she saw yun she fainted lucky I ran over to her and caught her in time

"Oi U alive?" I waved my hand at et face after laying her down on my bed

"Hey um.. Cleo what do we do now?"

"Okay I need to think"

Okay so we are in my world in ways it means everyone has to live with me...

Okay I got it

Everyone will have to adapte here.

Such as go to school learn until we find a way to get them back to where there suppose to

I saw everyone with there eyes widened

"Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yup" Sam said with a smilie

"Ugh well at least u all know what's the deal

I started to noticed jeaha trying to flirt with Sam and Kiki but Sam did a kick on his face and he passed out

"K.O." I said giving a five to Sam

After another hour of organizing and planing what's happening it soon became 11:00 oh fuck

I heard the door opens dn close oh its dad

Guys come with me actually..

I looked at them relaixif there wearing their historical like clothing's and so did i.

I also realized how stupid I was for not changing and saw that they are not in anime form

I quickly ran down stairs with Sam cuss she knows 2 things

1. Make sure to be with some one with there over when ur with my father (most of the time)

2. Don't get on his last nerve


"Yah sweat heart what's up?" He said drinking another sake

Okay first of all my dad sounds nice but its best not to get on his bad side...

"Dad my friends lost there home and family today so I would like it if I can allow them to stay for a while?"

"Sure but make sure to keep the house clean and don't get in my way"


"Thank u for having me over Mr Duran :)" Sam gave a smile ad we wnr tback upstairs to the 3rd floor yes we were just in the 3rd floor

My mom got a lot of money even tough my dad may not look like it but he's a doctor but.. He's a alocholic..

When we arrived I saw that everyone was almost passed out from exhaustion...

I woke them for the last time

The 3rd floor has 1 restroom 2 bedrooms and there is a open space in the middle there's only one way up and down aside from the emergency open window and jump out.

The guys as in Sora, Ryan, hak, kija, shin ah, jeaha and zeno please go to the other room there's 1 big sized bed so 2 of u or maybe 3 will be able to sleep there also change into these I grabbed some old big sized t shirts we just own and I threw them at them

"What about yun?" Kiki said hugging him

"He can chose I don't mind well we dont :)"

"I think I will stay here there's too many guys"

"Okay girls let's go back into our room" my room was about a little smaller then the other bedroom the guys are using

Yona try these on I gave her some PJs and she felt at first bit she says its very comfortable!

I gave out NY other PJs to kiki Sam and yun

or yun I gave him a normal casual clothes

"First we sleep tomorrow we plan :)" I said

"Yup" and we all fell into the dream world

Hey guys!

Omg I can't believe Im done with Book #1!!!!!

Okay so please enjoy these new continue of I'm stuck in AnY!!!

Also PLEASE comment express ur feelings :)

Also I had a slow start there and its Linda bad but its gana get better I promise XD


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