iv. saturday night

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CHAPTER FOUR !!saturday night

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saturday night

       THE SQUISH OF SOGGY, CRUMPLED LEAVES UNDERNEATH THE HEEL OF HER TAINTED SOCKS did nothing to rid her mind of the taunts and delusions that ridiculed the pictures of her imagination. It was an uncomfortable feeling, really, and at that point, there wasn't much chance that the socks would survive a spin in the wash- a high likelihood that they would return stained with the rich soils. Even the sensation of dampness and concrete that dug sharply into the soles of her feet could never break her from the trance that had captured her very sense of reality and warped itself around the rationality of her brain.

       It had come on in the early hours of the morning, mistaking her comforting slumber for an invitation to invade her mind and body. Chrissy was dressed in clothes far from the average Autumn attire, just a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms hooked on her hips and a thin cotton t-shirt hung on her shoulders. If she was to be outside in this temperature for much longer, then the teenager would surely need more than a mere hot bath and cosy mug of tea to warm her up.

       The fogginess of Chrissy's vision had clouded over all forms of knowledge as to what was happening, and she was none the wiser of her current whereabouts. The only slight indication to what she could see through her rapid haze of colours and images was the rugged and faded lines in the middle of what she presumed was a road, though it didn't seem to be too clear.

       Chrissy couldn't make out one obvious feature of the premonition in front of her, just the same repetitive golden colour that flashed in the shape of two round circles. They almost looked a pair of matching eyes, but that would, without a doubt, be impossible, right? They weren't animal eyes though; being far too humanised to be such thing. Her visions were never audible to herself, instead blocking out every individual sound in her surroundings to put her in her own silent cinema, so the option to hear what was happening was never available.

       However, even the silence she lived in could not disguise the obnoxious sound of a car horn, and the white overlay of her eyes cleared to see a beat-down jeep staring her down with nothing but the passenger door open.

       "Get in!" It was Stiles who had shouted over to her from the rolled-down window of his jeep. Of course, it was his jeep, it wasn't like she saw it nearly every day at school or anything. It wasn't like Chrissy looked out for it every day to see if Stiles had turned up to school or not.

       Chrissy tread lightly on her feet over to the open door, acutely aware of the water seeping through her once fluffy socks, and carefully climbed up to rest on the seat. Her body racked with shivers, and she couldn't even place a hand out in front of her body for more than a few seconds before having to bring it into herself to warm once again.

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