20: Talk all night

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Tzuyu wants the best things in life for Sana, but sometimes she just wants to strangle her for being so annoying. Sana knows how to push her buttons and she's doing it for fun.

"Why do we only have one of everything?" Tzuyu asks. "I don't want to share a blanket with you."

"Then don't use it." Sana lies down and pulls the blanket to cover herself. "Hmm. I should buy from this brand. It's so soft."

"I don't have a blanket."

"Just wear your jacket."

Tzuyu points at Sana. "I want that." Then she makes it clear since she's pointing at Sana. "That blanket."

"Hmm." The architect smiles, ignoring her. She rolls on the bed trying to wrap herself with the blanket.

Annoyed, Tzuyu turns her back on Sana and checks her bag that is placed on the armchair. Maybe she put a blanket in there, which is impossible but still she tries.

"Tzu.. help me. I can't move."

Tzuyu spares Sana a glance then ignores her afterwards. Sana is wrapped in a blanket, her hair is all over her face.

"Help m-me."

"Don't be so c-cruel." Sana acts like she's about to lose her life. "P-please. A-aah."

"Enough. I told you I need my own room, you didn't have to tell my mother. Stop playing."

"I can't do that. I won't allow you." Now she's back to being alive. "You won't have your own room. That's final."

Tzuyu turns and looks at her. "I do things at night, I read and watch stuff. I need my own space; a quiet space." Tzuyu sounds firm, like she's not gonna back down and it's very dangerous when they clash.

"So I'm noisy? I'm loud? Is that what you're telling me? That I only disturb you?"

"I. Need. My. Own. Space." Tzuyu enunciates every word.

"You can have a room without a bed. You will sleep with me. Always, every night. Sounds good? Now stop being mad and join me here."

"And if I don't?"

"I will tell your mom."

"Stop it!" Tzuyu whines while Sana giggles.

"I'm kidding. Come here. Please?"

Tzuyu might be annoyed, mad, angry but she always has a soft spot for Sana. Sana makes her want to protect her even in her most annoying state.

Tzuyu walks to the side of the bed and sits on the edge. "Don't do that again. Mom will worry."

"Sorry." Sana pouts. "Kiss?"

Tzuyu leans and plants a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Really?" She asks, disappointed. "Not on the lips?"

"Have you ever thought of kissing me before? When we were still roommates?"

"Wow. You think you're that attractive?"

Of course Sana thinks Tzuyu is that attractive.

"I think so."

"Do you want to know the truth?"

"Yeah?" Tzuyu looks at her in anticipation.

"I'd felt a lot of emotions before. Sometimes I wanted to kiss you—"

"Really?" Tzuyu's eyes light up like a bulb in a dark room.

"Then I wanted to strangle you, punch you and slap you."

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