18: Rock the boat

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Tzuyu's back is straight against the seat, correct posture, arms crossed above her chest, looking straight with seatbelt on.

It's 5:30 in the morning. The car ride has been quiet since they left Tzuyu's apartment at 5:00 am. It is not a comfortable silence, the tension is there, both of them are being careful not to push each other's buttons.

"Are you hungry?" Sana asks and sighs when Tzuyu doesn't answer. "The mattress is from Origin."

Sana chose to stay at the house from her mother. It's easier to have the house cleaned than to book a hotel room and hear Tzuyu complain about cleanliness. On top of that she made sure her car was spotless.

"Let's grab something to eat." She speaks again and Tzuyu doesn't bother answering.. again.

"Could you check the nearest coffee shop since I'm driving?"

"Do it. You don't want to be safe anyway."

"Are you really doing this right now?" Sana asks through gritted teeth. "While I'm driving?"

"Like I said, you don't want us to be safe."

And that is the last straw. The driver has had enough. Sana steps on the brake hard that would cause Tzuyu to be thrown forward if not for the seatbelt. Tzuyu closes her eyes and breathes deep while Sana leaves the car, shutting the door hard. After cooling her head a little, she gets out of the car and opens the door to the driver's seat.

"What? You're driving?! Are you insane?!" Sana shouts after grabbing the slippers in the backseat. "I will drive. I will wear my slippers!"


"Get out." She says, standing outside the driver's seat. "Tzuyu. Now!"

"I will drive."

"I'm changing into slippers already!" She opens the door and bites her lip hard. She could feel she would explode anytime. She steps back when her hand is almost touching the younger woman. She turns around clenching her fist.

Tzuyu turns at the older woman, her eyes are looking at her back softly, "You want to cause trouble. I didn't let you drive my car because you're not familiar with it. I don't want you to be confused driving for two hours."

Sana faces Tzuyu, anger is still evident on her face. "You think I'm irresponsible? I've been driving for the past 10 years and I have never been into an accident. I never caused one!"

"Stop putting words into my mouth." Tzuyu removes the seatbelt, getting out of the car, she embraces Sana, rubbing her back with her palm. "Calm down. We don't want to cause an accident and hurt other people."

Their cold war started when Sana insisted on wearing heeled shoes instead of flats. Tzuyu is against it since it's not safe, Sana argues that she has done it many times and hasn't caused any accidents.

She is a grown woman, she hates it when people try to control her. But Tzuyu takes the law and safety seriously. She's strict when it comes to rules and regulations. Sana knows this better than anyone.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles. "Sorry."

"Are you crying?"

"I'm s-sorry."

"Don't cry." Tzuyu giggles, resting her chin on top of Sana's head. "I'm sorry. I will let you drive, but let's relax, okay? Sorry for waking you up early."

Sana sniffs, "I'm still sleepy. I only slept for 3 hours. I need more."

Good thing it's still early, the road is empty. No one would judge them. Tzuyu had noticed early that Sana wasn't in a good mood. If she didn't hurt her arm they wouldn't have this problem, she could drive instead.

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