The Black Dragon and The Shogun

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Yu zhong flew towards the direction of the lightning emits.He landed and sees an empire.His landing is clearly visible and guards came to serounding him."Who are you!?What is your purpose to came to Inazuma!?"One of the guards asked."Inazuma,so that's the name of this place.I sense power here.........I suppose I can increase the power of the reverse scale using the power contained in Inazuma."Yu zhong smiled."Reverse scale?What in the world is that?"Yu zhong didn't respond and murder all the guards in a blink of an eye.He slowly walk towards the gate of Inazuma,which is the main entrance to enter the empire.The guards guarding the front gate raise their weapons trying to stop him.But it didn't took even a second before all the guards that tries to stop the black dragon was torn to dust.One of the guards ran towards the palace in panic."Your excellency!A stranger has purged the Inazuma front line and is breaking into Inazuma!His power is undeniably powerful!"Her excellency took a sip of tea when she heard the news.She stood up and walked towards the guard."Lead the way."The guard brings Raiden Shogun towards Yu zhong.

When they arrive,all the guards were brutally murdered and some of the Inazuma residents as well.Blood has became the fuel for fire.Greatly embraces the wrath of the black dragon."There he is!"The guard pointed at Yu zhong.He was standing in the chaos,somehow he was waiting for Raiden Shogun."What gives you the idea of purging Inazuma?Stranger?"Raiden Shogun maintains her elegance despite in the chaos."I suppose you're the empress of this powerful land.............Im taking over this land called Inazuma,as a one man army."Yu zhong smiled at her.Raiden Shogun also laughed after she heard the word"One Man Army"."You looked too high upon yourself!"A sudden lightning strikes Yu zhong on Raiden Shogun's command.But when the dust dissipates,Yu zhong's smile never faded,and he was untouched."Tough."Raiden Shogun pulled a sword out of her chest and breaks the space-time.Summoning a domain and traps Yu zhong in it."She has Lieh's speciality,well not so special anymore."Yu zhong was heated up by the adrenaline of battle frenzy.He didn't hesitate and immediately transform into the black dragon.

The black dragon strikes Raiden Shogun as she strikes Yu zhong back.Yu zhong landed into his dragonoid form and charges forward.Raiden Shogun rapidly slash Yu zhong.But Yu zhong's reverse scale  absorbed all her damage.Yu zhong gathers all the damage his reverse scale absorbed and charges it at his claws.He scratches forward,she dodged the first scratch but tries to block the second scratch with her sword.She was forcefully knocked back by Yu zhong's claws.Raiden Shogun stabs Yu zhong's chest but the sword only stopped at his skin.She slashes forward using all her Electro and knocks Yu zhong.He punch her when she least expected and left a wound on her.Yu zhong looked at his own wounds and laughed.Raiden Shogun was curious,Yu zhong held his hand and started absorbing Sha essence from Raiden Shogun.A sudden pain stings from her wound,she sees her blood converting into She essence and flow to Yu zhong.Yu zhong fused it with his reverse scale and replenish the wound of his reverse scale.Yu zhong stood up again and it seems that he was perfectly fine.

"How?What is this magic?I've never seen it before?"Yu zhong felt fresh,while Raiden Shogun felt like her strength has been snatched by Yu zhong."It's the power of the black dragon,darling."Yu zhong suddenly punch Raiden Shogun's chest.He grabbed her neck and choked her."I couldn't believe this land of power is possessed by such a weakling,I'm glad to take the throne for you,empress."Yu zhong smiled and choked her harder.She stopped moving after a period and Yu zhong gave out his last laugh.He dropped her and the domain shrunk.Everyone looked at the black dragon standing, perfectly untouched.While the Shogun laying on the ground,confirmed dead."In the end,only the victor will be remembered."Yu zhong looked at all the soldiers.He pulled her hair and lift her up,proving his wrath towards the world again."You weaklings see this?The so called your excellency is now nothing but a dead meat."Yu zhong walked forward and all the guards started to drop their weapons."Yield before the black dragon,weaklings!"Yu zhong shouted and everyone started to praise Yu zhong as the new ruler of Inazuma.

"I shall take this from here,Great dragon..............."Yu zhong arrogantly sat at his new throne as the new king of Inazuma.As this news slowly spread across the entire Inazuma,Kazuha know this is bad news.Even though he was nearly killed by Raiden Shogun,by the looks of the new ruler,Yu zhong.He didn't feel good about him,he fled away from Inazuma to find Aether,which is the only person that he trust capable at stopping this rampage.

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