Conflict in Liyue

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"Thanks again for saving us."Voices are heard as they regain consciousness.They woke up seeing themselves in some sort of camp.Aether looked at the person ling's talking to and immediately recognised her."Beidou!?"Beidou looked at the familiar voice.Aether and the others woken up while Paimon is still enjoying her slumber."Oh,you guys are all awake.So these friends of you are also from your world Aether?Are they here to bring you back but got lost as well?"Beidou for some reason thought the oriental warriors are people sent to bring home Aether."No.............I don't even know where they came from.They say it's from another world called............Land Of Dawn or something............."Aether continued discussing with Beidou without realising everyone else waiting."So,friends aside.Your friends looks inpatient."Beidou pointed at them waiting for Aether to finish his conversation."Oh,sorry."Aether sat back behind."As I was saying,we kinda had the same conflict with Aether.Its just instead of whoever the god that trapped Aether here,we got sent here by some sort of galaxy dominator."Ling explained further."When it comes to how to bring you all back to your world...........I have no idea.Sorry.Besides,if we had an idea about it Aether wouldn't be here."Beidou walked out of the camp leaving them alone."Also,if you need help,just ask for me.Or Ningguang it's fine."Beidou walked away without waiting for their response.

"Wait!Who's..............Ningguang..........."Zilong had no choice but to give up on his question."Let me bring you to her,I know her."Aether offered and everyone agreed.They walk outside of the camp seeing the vast numbers of soldiers training."Let me brief this out for you.Ningguang is Teyvet's most wealthiest woman.Its been said that her her wealth was unsurpassed by all of Teyvet."Everyone starts to have thoughts about Ningguang."Damn,there must be billions in her bank account."Zilong suddenly joked."What's a bank account?"Zilong forgot Teyvet is still in medieval times.Banks doesn't exist................"It's.........uhhh a thing!In Cadia Riverlands!Our homeland!"Zilong panicked."Cadia Riverlands doesn't have a bank.The only place that has a bank is Eruditio."Wanwan crossed her arms while looking at Zilong awkwardly."You know,you should be thanking me for handling Yu zhong on my own and found Beidou get us sheltered from those savage roaches."Ling suddenly speak."Damn,I didn't know you're such a narcissist."Wanwan said."You call me what?Excuse you!"Ling got angry by Wanwan."Speaking of which,how do you even manage to fend off Yu zhong?"Zilong asked."I beat him."Everyone stares at ling."Fine.When Yu zhong got me,a sudden lightning burst and drew his attention,which gave me the chance to flee."Ling finally gave up and admitted."Ya know?Savage roaches aren't that bad, they're quite delicious you know."Baxia still hasn't failed to "amuse" everyone."Can you stop saying hilichurls are delicious? You're scaring me."Paimon flew away further when she hit a tall person.

"Who was that?"Paimon woke up seeing the Geo Archon and a mistress looking at her."Oh,Zhongli,Ningguang.We're just about to see you."Aether said."Blame yourself for being too tall."Ningguang taunted Zhongli as he sweep off the dust from his clothes."So these are the people you're talking about."Zhongli is quite tall.As tall as Ling which is half an inch taller than Zilong."Hi,I'm Zilong!Nice to meet you!"Zilong shamelessly shook Zhongli's hand."Oh..........hi............I'm Zhongli."Zilong suddenly focused at Zhongli.Zhonglu was holding a polearm while Zilong is holding a spear.Their height are almost the same,their body cutting is basically the same.Their names are embarrassingly similar.They both stared at each other before both raising their weapons."Are you mocking me!?"Zilong and Zhongli both asked the same question and stand in the same battle position."Hey, Zhongli!I think I found your long lost brother!"Ningguang laughed."Shut up!I hate it when a person is mocking me!"Zhongli said."Hey,you're mocking me! Don't try to hide it!"Zilong and Zhongli suddenly attacked each other when Baxia uses his large shield to block both of their attacks."Enough!You two kids do not argue with chopsticks!There will be someone out there that were similar to you and it's a common thing!"Baxia with his large size which is twice as Zilong and Zhongli scolded both of them like their dad."So,all of you are also lost like Aether?"Ningguang ask."Yeah,we're trying to find a way to go back.But I don't think it will be anytime soon."Yin finally spoken.He was silent all the way cause he still felt guilty of hurting Kaeya.Even though he knows it's not his fault,Lieh is using his body to hurt him.So doesn't that means Yin hurt Kaeya?

Yin still couldn't understand till this day.He has been doing so many crimes on accident.Everything went wrong with the arrival of Lieh.Bit he tried to look at the bright side.Maybe if it isn't because of Lieh,he would be dead to Yu zhong.Everyone else would be dead to Yu zhong as well.Yin suddenly hold his head tight and kneel.Everyone looked at him with visible confusion."Young man?You have a headache?"Ningguang asked."No..........I'm fine.Im just thinking of something.Thanks."Yin tried to pull off a smile but he was too guilty to even smile."Come, judging by your facial expression and your actions,you have some problems.Maybe I could help."Ningguang smiled and offered her help to Yin." remind me of Melissa."Yin suddenly thought about the 4saken light."Mewha?"Ningguang asked."Nothing,just my old friend."Yin's fake smile just made her alot more worried."Something happened?"Ningguang ask Aether."Yeah,it's a tragedy.I will tell you more along the way."Aether replied."Well then, let's get moving.I will lead you along the way.They could stay right Zhongli?"Ningguang asked Zhongli out of blue."Oh yeah,yeah........sure"Zhongli was too busy thinking of something else.As Aether further explained about Yin's tragedy on their journey.

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