
At least five or ten minutes. That's all he needed. He just needed to be alive for the next five or ten minutes until the heroes could get there.

The distress signal on his watch should contact anyone on the outside to come and get me. He was counting on Gigantomachia to get there.

Izuku hurriedly dodged out of the way as Re-Destro started to grow to his full height. The old leader stepped back in a hurry as his body tore apart the bland clothes he was wearing. Izuku immediately ran to his room as Re-Destro's body grew until his head started to break the ceiling above.

"Dammit. When I survive, I need to tell Hatsume about the input of the cuffs," Midoriya mumbled under his breath as he rushed into his room. He grabbed the phone off his nightstand then opened the window as fast as he could as the walls trembled around him.

Hurriedly, he jumped onto the surface of his desk to dive out of the window, rolling onto his back as soon as he hit the grass.

The roar he heard wasn't even that distant. And the shadow enveloping the house was crawling towards the die of the tree line.

"I need a pay raise after all of this shit," Midoriya muttered, glaring at the shadow while keeping his body close to the ground.

Re-Destro roared out as the ground vibrated with the next step he took. Midoriya hurriedly looked up to see the shadow moving towards the right side of the house where he was. His eyes widened as he quickly got to his feet and rushed to the left side. Mindful of the sound of crunching grass beneath his feet, he tried to make his way to the other side without the giant noticing him.

He made his body fit tightly against the wall as he jogged away from the approaching giant.

Midoriya rushed to the front right as Re-Destro was at the back. His eyes darted around the area. He couldn't rush into the woods without getting his attention. Maybe he can hide inside the house?

Midoriya glanced at the other three before rushing inside the house through the giant hole that was caused. The giant hole extended into the second floor where a room was destroyed, a mattress slumped over on the ground. He stepped over the mattress as he went right to the stairs.

"I feel like I should have expected this to happen at one point," Midoriya said as he retreated to the second floor. He ran right to the third floor stairway entrance de that was blocked off. But now, the block doorway was no longer there.

Instead, the damage from Re-Destro caused a rift in the floor between the hallway and the entrance. A crack right down the hallway resulting in a damaged wall and an open space between him and the stairway.

He needed to get somewhere the giant couldn't look. And since the third floor didn't looked damaged from the outside, he might have a chance to hide there instead.

Midoriya backed away from the space right as the giant outside yelled in outrage. With a deep breath, he vaulted himself over the empty space, jumping onto the other side.

Quickly, he ran up the stairs.

The third floor wasn't quite as he remembered it from the past reform program. The rooms felt empty with the door wide open so he could see the mess inside with cobwebs in the corners. The floorboards scuffed and the painted walls chipped in a few areas.

Midoriya looked down at his watch as the commotion outside became hurried when Re-Destro was running around the house. It sounded like he was rushing into the woods to find out where he was hiding from the amount of rustling sounds he could hear.

If it worked, his distress signal should have alerted everyone attached to it. He just needed to wait it out as long as he could.


Time passed inside the third floor. It felt like god knows how long before the footsteps echoed all the way back to the house.

"No. Come on. Come on," Midoriya hit the button on his watch again. There was no sign of the heroes yet. They should be there any second.

But from the sounds of Re-Destro's angry footsteps, it sounds like he was getting more impatient. Suddenly, he felt the walls begin to vibrate from Re-Destro kicking the house.

He winced as he heard the walls splinter at his amount of force. Then, two pairs of large hands punched through the walls on either side of him. He stared at the crackly, hardened skin of Re-Destro's fists that were covered in plaster dust.

Mdirouya cursed and ducked under the fists to try and escape the reaching fingers of the giant. Which was wishful thinking when the hand reached up to the ceiling and started to pull the top apart.

It resulted in the wood splintering around him, breaking apart as the ceiling was pulled open by the huge man's grip.

Midoriya could hear Geten's voice calling out, "Hey! Maybe check the forest again, you big oaf! I saw him running that way!"

"Be quiet!" Re-Destro yelled out.

Midoriya stood against the wall and creeped into a still-standing room as Re-Destro peeked inside the hole in the wall he had made. A lonely bookshelf stood against the wall with dust covering the surface everywhere. 

Luck was not on his side like it had been for quite a while since his glaring eyes targeted him right away.

Then the hands started to reach for him, only being stopped by the narrow doorway. Taking his chance, he jumped onto the leftover bookcase within the room and started to climb upwards to where the hole in the ceiling was.

He climbed onto the roof tiles as Re-Destro focused his attention on trying to grab onto him.

"HEY! Can you stop destroying the house?!" Midoriya yelled out, avoiding a crushing hand as it dug into the ceiling tiles. He almost slipped at the harsh vibration through the tiles. "Nobody will have anywhere to sleep if you keep wrecking it!"

He tried to avoid another hand coming towards him, but the hand grabbed onto his shirt when he tried to dodge his grasp. Midoriya yelled as he got pulled up into the air and clasped inside the giant's grip.

He breathed heavily, looking up at the harsh eyes of the monstrous form of Re-Destro.

Midoriya couldn't move, no matter how much he tried to wiggle his arms free from the grip of the gigantic form of the MLA leader.

Re-Destro's gratingly deep voice chastised him. The smell of his breath was... indescribably terrible. "Now who do you think you are—"


Midoriya heard the impact before he even saw Re-Destro's expression fall into confusion.


The sudden image of Gigantomachia charging at him was the last thing he saw before he was dropped back onto the cracked roof tiles. He tumbled down the tiles while Gigantomachia tackled Re-Destro to the ground.


His fall was broken when he, surprisingly, landed on Hanabata.

"Ow. Okay," Hanabata said as Midoriya pulled himself off of him. "Did you hurt anything or is it just me?"

"I think I bruised something. How about—"

"Let's have a nurse check us over later. Right now, let's run away from the giant monster fight!" Kizuki said, pulling on both of their arms while Geten pushed at Hanabata to get up.

Together, all four of them ran as fast as they could with Hanabata limping the entire way. Midoriya winced as they ran, feeling a dull pain in his arm and ankle.

He turned around to see Gigantomachia wrenched a tree straight from the ground and started beating Re-Destro with the large trunk.

With his head turned, he ran straight into someone's chest.

Midoriya gasped as he returned his gaze to stare up at a familiar face framed with light blue hair. And Chikazoku was right under his arm.

"Shimura? What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked.

Shimura shrugged, pushing Chikazoku towards the other three reforming members. "I hitched a ride."

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora