Chapter 6 - Grand Theft Hextech

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A/N: Merry late Christmas I hope it was a great holiday for you all. Be sure to vote and comment if you liked the chapter or story in general.

Rakken's Pov:

Rakken: Hey Bluebird I got a idea. Let's sneak into the academy well everyone is distracted with Progress Day. There has to be something of value to Silco and us.

Bluebird: (Looks up at me.) Wh-what... Yeah we could do that. We'll do it towards the end of the day. But it's always better to be safe then sorry we'll start a fire with in the fair grounds too.

Rakken: Okay, then let's get started.

Bluebird: (She release me and stands up.) Mhm.

She started walking around gathering a multitude of different things. Some I recognize as explosives or accelerants for fires. But most I have no idea as to what they do. Standing up I walk over to her as she turns to me. Handing me a bunch of stuff she turns away going back to rumaging some stuff.

Rakken: So I assume you've come up with a plan Bluebird?

Bluebird: Yes, we'll find the biggest tent that's close to the academy, set up some explosives and a system to transmit a voice. Before pouring accelerant everywhere and setting it on fire. Then the system will transmit begging someone to save a nonexistent person. (She turns to me holding more stuff.) As the massage ends the explosives will go off but by that time we'll most likely already be inside.

Rakken: Okay so now we just have to wait.

Bluebird: (She starts making her way towards her work bench.) Nope still have to make some stuff. (She puts the stuff in her arms on the table.)

Rakken: (I follow her.) Nneeh, I'll let you handle that. (I set down the stuff in carrying.)

Bluebird: (She sits near the bench.) Oh don't be that way I'll teach you some things.

Rakken: Mmm sure. (I sit next to her.)


As I finish setting up some of the explosives I look around the gaient tent in some ah of the technology around. Really is the city of progress aren't they. Grabbing the accelerant I walk around pouring it every where. I wonder where Bluebird went? Finishing off pouring the accelerant I exit the tent to find her painting and rubbing exeleran on a wall next to the tent.

Rakken: It looks beautiful Bluebird. I finished now to just light it all up.

Bluebird: Eh not my best work but thank you. Do you want to do the honors? (She presents me with a matchbook.)

Rakken: Sure.

I take the matches from her, lighting one up. Throwing it in to the accelerant we watch it go up in flames. Slipping the rest into my pocket I grab my Bluebird and head for safety, a place closer to the academy. As I was running Bluebird moved herself to be on my back, holding me tight. Mmmh warm. I move one of my hand to rub her side.

Getting to a safe spot we watch as the flames climb the tent. Waiting we soon spot enforcers running to put out the fires. Only for the building to blow on them as they ventured inside. Bluebird then grabs my hand and pulls me as she runs to the academy. Before we enter the building I look back to see a female enforcer looking up at us from the ground.

Making our way through the halls we destroy them, throwing paint every where. Continuing on we look for anything that could be of valuable. We soon come to a room with a anvil in the middle of it, a small orb that glows blue sitting atop it.

Rakken: Think that's what we're looking for?

Bluebird: Most definitely, grab all the paperwork you can find in here.

She walks up to the anvil taking the orb and examining it closely. As I go around searching through everything, grabbing anything that looks like it has something to do with the orb. Turning back I watch as she takes out a model of a airship placing it on the anvil. Turning back I grab some of the paint I have and throw it everywhere I can. Bluebird taking a more elegant approach paints something of a calling card, arrows pointing to the airship on the anvil.

Bluebird: Let's get out of here before someone shows up.

Rakken: (Checking the papers.) Right behind you.


After setting up some stuff for Silco's arrival Bluebird flipped on some music. As we wait she tinkers with some butterfly looking contraption, showing me how she intendeds it to work. After awhile she starts to nod her head, before she takes my arm and leads me to a more open area. Only for her to hop and jump around me.

Rakken: What ar-

Bluebird: Come on and dance with me!

Rakken: (Starts to dance.) Of course.

As we dances I can't help but smile, reminded of a simpler time. A time we didn't have to worry about life and death, when we were still so young. Bluebird smiling back at me. Moments like these are what I missed most when I left. Continuing our dancing it feels like time has stopped. Dancing closer to her I garb her side and pull her into me. Before I place my lips on her own.

Silco?: Jinx!

Immediately after hearing the yell I pull away from her to look at a man with a really messed up eye. Bluebird, surprised turns around to face him as well.

Bluebird: Y-yes?

I start to move away from her to the pole where we have everything rigged. Assuming this is Silco.

Silco: Half a dozen enforcers dead! Enforcers! Dead!

Bluebird: Y-yeah...

Silco: A building blown to pieces!

Bluebird: Oh, yeah. (She giggles.)

Silco: Do you have any idea what you've done?!

Bluebird: Actually, I do, (She looks to me.) We do.

She pulls out the blue orb and hands it to him. Giggling as she does. She then walks over to me as I activate the surprise, wrapping an arm around me.

Bluebird, Rakken: Happy progress Day!

As the fireworks go off Bluebird pecks me on the cheek and walks back to Silco. Getting close enough she hugs him.

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