Chapter 4 - Origin

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Rakken's POV:

Years later:

Through out my time away from the underground I've learned much. My travels taking me ever where, from Shurima. A once prosperous desert empire that fell alongside it's god-emperor, its nomadic inhabitants eke out a life in the deserts, or turn to mercenary work. In this desert land I found a legend of humans with red skin who would drop there children in to the great desert to gain adaptions that would help them survive the world.

It's said they are a subspecies of Vastaya know as Ulnesh beings that can adapt to anything in a very short time period but had a low birth rate. A full description of the most common traits being dark red skin, porcelain white hair and golden eyes. The exact traits I have, it's very likely I'm a Ulnesh. Still can't be to sure though even if it's a high possiblity.

After that I ended up in Bilgewater. A port city very similar to the underground being there I felt a strange sense of comfortability it was nice. Didn't really help in my search for answers, only giving me a place of origin for the Ulnesh, Ionia. Which I stupidly over looked as I knew that Ionia was the birth place of the hole Vastaya race. But before that I headed to Noxus so that I may use my adaptation ability to it's fullest.

The training in Noxus was brutal, my bones were broken nearly every session. Bruises and concussions happening even more. But as I got stronger I started getting more and more experienced trainers. I came to be known to a great warrior who personally took me under his wing. My body showing the result of my training I had become bulky though still kept most of my agility. My hieght matching in growth, being 6'4 by the time I left. Small outcroppings of bone growing out of my head one in line with each eye.

By the time I made it to Ionia my horns had grown quickly and I had to start trimming them. I sharpened them as well making them into a great last ditch weapon. After setting foot on land I went from settlement to settlement gathering more information on the Ulnesh, all of which were just reiterations of what I already knew. Over my travels I also came to know of a small village of Ulnesh somewhere between Kinkou Monastery and The Placidium of Navori.

Getting to the village I was welcomed with open arms, as if the prodigal son had retested. Then I found out why, the leaders of the village are the two people I never thought I would see again.


Father: Hello my son.

Mother: We've missed you. (She hugs me.)

Rakken: (Hugs back hesitantly.) Why did you leave me.

Father: To Make you strong, as you are now.

Mother: (Rubs my back.) It is a right of passage so to speak, to make sure the children are strong.

Rakken: Well it certainly made me strong.

Father: Come, come we have a room already prepared for you.

Mother: We'll explain everything about us, this village, and the Ulnesh. At least the parts you don't know. (Let's go and starts to follow father.)

Rakken: O-okay. (Follows them.)

Years later:

Mother: I understand but is going back really that important?

Rakken: Yes it is. I made her a promise, I'm going back to her. Once I'm there I'll convince her to come back with me.

Father: You truly love that girl, go to her.

Mother: Wha, but we just-

Rakken: I've been here long enough, I love you both.


Bluebird would love this, maybe she's already been on one well I was gone. As the airship docs me and the other passengers line up to be let out. As everyone off loads there's others handing out fliers and talking about progress day. And what progress, Piltover now has what it calls Hexgates a new form of transportation. I'm coming my little Bluebird, Vi, Claggor, Vander... Mylo. Just hold tight guys I'm coming.

As I walk from the ship I start to faintly hear explosions and gun shots. Well if there's anything I know, it's that that was probably one of the gangs from the underground. But they've never been this bold, to fight in Piltover proper. Things must have changed more then I thought. I should follow it and get some up to date information.

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