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- ONE -
2022 | Atlanta Georgia.
Lenox Mall.

Zac wondered through footlocker searching for the perfect pair of shoes. His sister had a birthday party coming up.

He was looking for a certain pair of shoes. He stopped at some Blue, White and gray Jordan's.

He picked them up examining them before turning so he can ask the worker for assistance.

As soon as he turned he bumped into someone, "Omg, im so sorry I'm clumsy." He knew that voice from anywhere.

"Fatima?" He looked down at her and She looked up at him. She was shocked to see him to say the least.

His eyes traveled down to her huge belly, his heart beat sped up. Soon after a man came up behind Fatima.

"Babe , you good? Who's this?" The darkskin man questioned looking Zac up and down. He put his arm around Fatima's shoulder.

"Yes baby, im good. This is um ..."

Fatima stood there looking dumb as she stumbled over her words. "An old friend." Zac helped her out.

"Yea that, um Zac this is my fiancé Josh." It was only know that Zac noticed the Diamond ring on her finger.

He stood there heartbroken with glossy eyes, everything she was against with him. She turned around and had with someone else.

She stared at him with sorrow in her face, she felt bad but at the same time she couldn't help it.

"Nice meeting you Josh," Zac turned to walk away but stopped in his tracks just to see her bump one last time.

"Baby we have to go, I got and bought the shoes for our little one." Josh rubbed her belly with a smile.

Zac knew in that moment that he hated him, he envied Josh's life, his child and the fact that he's with Zac's everything.

Fatima snapped out of her trance and smiled at her man. "Okay!" The couple walked to the door before leaving.

Zachary stood there nearly in tears, he couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

He dropped the shoe and left out the store, when he got in his car he cried like a baby. It was a good thing he had tints.

- HOME -

When Zac got him all he could think about was Fatima and the fact that she was pregnant and engaged.

How did she do all of that in a year, she was a good 5 months so she moved on pretty quickly.

Or she had already knew Josh and knew she wanted him that's why she ended things with Zac.

He had so many thoughts running through his head he didn't even hear his little sister, Zaniya ringing the doorbell.

He opened the door for her and she mugged him, she came in and after her in walked their older sister, Zariya.

"Why? Just why?" He stared at his sisters, they closed the door and came to sit on his sofa. "We want to spend time with our brother."

"What you did to mama and why she can't stay with you?" Zac already knew this routine, all too well.

Their 16 year old sister, Zaniya, gets into it with their mom about something random. Ms.Taylor puts her out.

She calls Zariya, then Zariya and Zaniya both come to Zac's house to convince him to let her stay until their mom isn't mad anymore.

"I didn't do anything bubs," Niya pouted, "She got mad at me for not doing the dishes and I told her I had to do my project."

"She said I was being smart mouth and told me to get out, then I just left." Zac knew what she was saying was true.

Their mom was so extra for no reason. "She can't stay with me because you know Sam and I don't have time for that."

Zariya was 29, and had been married for 5 years now. Everyone loves her husband Sam, despite him being white.

He's actually really cool. "I guess you can stay, I could use the company especially after today."
Zariya sat back down.

"What happened today?" They both asked. "I saw Fatima." They both gasp. "What the hell happened spill it!" Riya cursed.

"Well I was in the mall trying to get shoes for the party and I bumped into her 5 month old belly."

Both of their eager looks dropped and they both felt sorry for their brother. "Yep and on top of that she was their with her Fiancé."

"I'm so sorry, baby brother." Riya and Niya both got up and hugged him. He broke down again.

"I just don't know what I did wrong, I loved her so much." He cried to his sisters, all they could do was hug him.

This past year that's all they've been doing is helping him ease the pain, he's been drinking really badly.

That's another reason Niya keeps coming over,
to keep him for killing hisself with drugs and alcohol.

"She left me after 10 years because she didn't want kids or marriage then turns around and does exactly that."

"I know brother I know." Riya rubbed his back, Zaniya kept her comments to herself. Anytime she spoke on Fatima she had something bad to say.

However it wasn't always like that. Once upon a time she loved Fatima. Fatima was like a best friend to her.

She talked to her about everything, Fatima knows stuff about her no one else in the world knows.

But when T left Zac the way she did, Niya grew a strong hatred for her. Then even through the breakup she tried to still talk to her.

Fatima cut all ties with his family after a month, they all felt some type of way but couldn't bring themselves to be mad at her.

They all wanted to beat her ass for the first couple of months but after a while they just let it go and disliked her from a distance.

Niya however simply can't not stand her.

She'll never forgive her.

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