34 - My Daughter

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"Cause Brin is here!", Charlie giggles, climbing onto my bed.

I shake my head with a chuckle, turning the light switch off before walking out.

The doorbell dings and my brows furrow, "What time is it?"

"Nine.", Brinley answers, standing up with Charlie in her arms.

I walk out of the room heading down the stairs.. Apparently with Brinley and Charlie right behind me.

"I didn't mean for you to come with."

Brinley shrugs, "We're curious."

"Yeah Daddy, we cuwious.", Charlie adds.

I let out an exaggerated breath, "Oh boy. You two are a lot of trouble."

I twist the lock on the door before turning the handle down and pulling the door open.

My expression hardens at the person standing in front of me. Josephine.

I put my hand back, keeping Brinley hidden behind the door.

"Christian.", Josephine breathed out, trying to peak inside, "Is she here?"

"Is who here?"

"Don't fuck with me. Where's Charlotte?"

I play dumb again, "Doesn't ring a bell."

Josephine's expression turns from annoyed to pissed off, "You know. My daughter."

I glance over at Brin who has wide eyes and I shake my head. She nods, slowly making her way back up the stairs with Charlie in her arms.

I step onto the front porch, closing the door behind me, "First of all, she is not your daughter. You gave that right up three years ago."

"Christian.. I just want to see her. You never post pictures."

My jaw clenches, "There's a reason for that."

Josephine sighs, "I just.. I need to see her, once. That's all."

I shake my head, "No. Once turns into twice, which turns into three times. Next thing I know, we're having a custody battle."


I heave out a sigh, "She's happy. Don't ruin that. She's moved on.. We both have."

Josephine's brows furrow, "What do you mean by that? She's three, she couldn't have moved on from me, she doesn't remember me."

"I mean.. She doesn't need you. You get your chance and you gave up on her."

"I've seen the articles. I know about your little girlfriend."

And there it is ladies and gentlemen. The real reason she's here.

I scoff, "I should've known you weren't actually here for Charlie. Typical."

"What's she like? Can she do it like I could?", Josephine tries to reach out and touch me but I grab her wrist.

"Better, actually. And.. She's a great mom." Okay, I went there.

Josephine's eyes narrow, "That's low Christian. Especially for you."

I suck in a sharp breath through my nose, "We both know what happens when someone gets on my bad side.. And you, are at the top of the list."

"I always knew you had it in you. To not be a picture perfect boyfriend. We all have a dark side."

"No. You've just pissed me off. So, do what you do best Josephine. Run. Leave. One call and I can make your life a living hell. London ring any bells?"

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