Stag Night

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Snapshot: Stag Night

Max tried not to move. There was a deep thud echoing in his head, his ears ringing after the onslaught from the nightclub sound system. Charles was not fairing much better, the younger man held a pillow tightly over his head to block out the small rays of sunlight that were threatening to appear through the hotel window. It was fair to say that both men felt a little sick, it was also fair to say that both men had just enjoyed one of the best nights out they had ever had.

It turned out that when Pierre and Daniel put their minds together wonderful things happened and the joint stag celebration had been amazing. Max had barely been able to contain his excitement as they started off the day racing quad bikes through the dessert of Las Vegas. It was meant to be a fun drive through the sand dunes but had inevitably turned into something far more competitive, hardly surprising when you have a stag group made up of primarily of F1 drivers.

Charles may have been the love of Max's life but that didn't stop him from almost wiping the Monegasque driver out as they raced around the make shift track. It seemed that even in the vast expanse of the dessert the two men were drawn together. Charles wasn't about to let Max get his own way though and gave as good as he got. The battle of the grooms was short lived however as they both ended up being disqualified as a result of what they decided would henceforth be known as the 'inchident' part two.

The evening had been spent with them all loosing an inordinate amount of money in the casino. Well all of them except Carlos who seemed to have exceptional good luck when it came to blackjack. The Spaniard had graciously spent the rest of the night using his winnings to maintain a steady flow of alcohol. By the time they had staggered to a nearby nightclub most of the drivers were more than a little unsteady on their feet. Daniel was still bursting with energy though, the Aussie's radiant smile plastered on his face as he announced that they would be playing a game of dare and swiftly pulled out a plastic pot full of random scraps of paper. The punishment for not completing the dare - you had to hand your mobile over for Daniel to text anyone in your contacts anything he wanted and Daniel had some great ideas already lined up.

"Get a girl to buy you a drink" Charles was the first to read his dare out loud. The announcement immediately met by a few groans as the rest of the stags realised how easy the task would be for a man that looked like Charles. They were right and the Ferrari driver had secured not one but three drinks in record time, a look of victory plastered across his face.

"Perform a sexy lap dance for another stag" Lando cringed as he read out his dare, he was pretty certain that he had drawn the short straw but he was too drunk to really care so he clumsily climbed on top of Carlos and proceeded to perform a rather unsophisticated yet highly energetic routine.

"You're not allowed to say words yes or no for ten minutes" Max squinted as he read out the dare and then smiled to himself, he was pretty sure he could stay silent for at least ten minutes. He couldn't help think he had pulled out the easiest dare, that was until Daniel had asked if he had understood.

"Yes of course" Max had responded before realising his fatal error and having to reluctantly hand his mobile over to Daniel. The Aussie spent his time scrolling through the contacts, there was an almost endless list of possibilities and then he stumbled upon the perfect person to receive 'Max's' message - Toto Wolff.

"What are you going to text him?" Max asked worriedly.

"You'll find that out when you get your phone back later" the Aussie laughed, flashing Max a wide smile and wink as he typed out the message. Max couldn't help but notice the way Daniel laughed wickedly as he pressed send.

The dares proceeded, each driver taking their turn in between rounds of shots. By the time it got to 4am Max and Charles could barely stand, the two grooms-to-be holding each other up as they stumbled back into their hotel room.

They had clumsily undressed each other as they exchanged kisses falling back on to the bed rather inelegantly. Charles' earlier promise of ending the stag night on top of Max long forgotten as they crawled under the covers and promptly passed out intoxicated and exhausted.

It was gone lunchtime before either of them had stirred. As they lay in bed wishing the hangover of all hangovers would go away, Max's phone started ringing loudly, the noise searing painfully into his brain. He reached over and lazily rejected the call, whoever it was could wait until he was even half awake. As he lay clutching his mobile in his hand he felt a message come through and looked blearily at the screen. As he read the incoming text he suddenly had very vivid flashbacks to last night and handing his phone over to Daniel.

"Everything okay Maxy" Charles mumbled as he saw a look of horror spreading across his fiancé's face.

"Yeah" Max groaned, "I'm just never going to be able to go near the Mercedes garage again without blushing"

"Oh my god Max, what did Daniel send him?" Charles asked trying to feign concern but mostly feeling amused at the situation.

"Charles, honestly you really don't want to know" Max groaned as he closed his phone and hid his head under the pillow wondering how he was going to look Toto in the eye ever again. 


You will all have to use your imagination to decide what Daniel sent on Max's behalf to Toto 😂

Just a short chapter because I think the next one will be the wedding so that will be a lot longer (not sure if I will need to split it into separate parts) and then there will be one or two more bonus chapters for those that want them <3 <3

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