Soothing Sounds

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Charles was almost breathless when he got back from his morning run. He had pushed himself a little harder than usual but it had been a great way to burn off some of the tension he had been feeling. With his headphones in and feet pounding the pavements he focused all his attention on his breathing leaving little time to replay recent events in his mind. As he let himself back into his apartment he stripped off and got straight into the shower, allowing the cool water to revive him a little as it cascaded over his body. Then he let himself cry. Tears freely flowing down his face, mixing with the water and washing away. He had done exactly the same each day since Hungary. Each day since that confrontation with Jos. It had been such a stressful time and he felt like he was still coming to terms with everything.

He could still picture Jos' face as he had staggered to his feet with far more dramatics than was strictly necessary. He had clearly been putting on a show, clutching at his side as if badly hurt. The fake groans of pain and defensive mannerisms had all been a display for Max who watched the scene unfold. Even then, after everything, Jos was still finding new ways to try and manipulate his son. Charles couldn't believe the audacity of the man but when he turned to Max he had a sinking feeling in his stomach wondering if Max had actually been believing all the amateur dramatics.

"Max do something?" Jos has demanded, "Are you going to let him treat me like this?

Charles had wanted to believe that him and Max were stronger than anything and that Max would never hurt him. Unfortunately he also knew the hold Jos had over his son, how much Max had always yearned for his love and affection.

"I'm your father. You need to make a choice, it's him or me?"

The ultimatum from Jos hadn't come as a surprise to Charles. He had expected Jos to throw every last bit of ammunition at the situation. In that moment Charles felt his breath catch in his throat. He prayed that Max was going to make the right choice but he knew that if there was one thing that could tear them apart it was likely to be Jos.

Max had taken in the scene around him. He had never seen Charles look like that before, anger dripping out of every pore, adrenaline making his body seem like it was shaking. Then he glanced to his dad, he seemed almost frail and vulnerable by comparison.

"Help me Max"

His dad had never asked him for help before and the words hung in the air. Max recalled his own desperate calls for help when his dad had dragged him through to the room, he hadn't cared about Max then, hadn't cared what damage may be inflicted upon him. The scene felt all wrong. Max had never known Charles to be aggressive, he was kind and gentle, he knew that something had happened. Instinctively he had run to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him trying to calm him and comfort him.

Jos had watched on, a look of horror plastered on his face. He repeated his earlier threat letting Max know in no uncertain terms that if Max chose Charles then he would never see him ever again. Even a few weeks ago Max would have been broken by the thought of having his father out of his life for good, but now it didn't seem quite so terrifying. He had other people now, Charles was there in his arms and Sebastian was there by their side, a reassuring presence and a sign that there were other people that cared for him. Max had gently placed a kiss on Charles' lips, a small act of defiance against his father that had resulted in a slurry of vitriolic words pouring from Jos' mouth. Every other word was demeaning or degrading. A barrage of offence ripping apart every part of who Max was and explaining why he wouldn't amount to anything and why he was nothing but an embarrassment.

Seb had had to hold Charles back, something Charles had been angry about at the time but in hindsight was the right call because if the German driver had let him go he was sure that he would have killed Jos. Max just let the words wash over him, he was used to it, he had heard it all over and over the past few weeks.

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