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Over the years Max had had his fair share of champagne, in fact he'd had more than his fair share. Each podium celebration had been marked by the usual celebration, the bubbles always tasted better when he had won though, then again everything always felt better when he had won. Right now, as the champagne bubbles hit his face he felt anything but a winner.

"Forza Ferrari"

There were voices, unfamiliar and jarring and Max heard his name amongst the Italian followed by laughter and cheering that vibrated loudly in his ears. And then once again he felt the spray of champagne hitting his skin. It was normally the sweetest sensation but right now it felt like it was burning each time the droplets hit him. There were lights flickering or at least it seemed like there were, he hadn't dared to open his eyes yet. As the noises got louder and more animated he slowly tried to open his eyes and realised that he was laid out on the floor outside. Cold, damp and now covered in alcohol as a group of middle aged men stood around laughing, the contents of their empty beer and champagne bottles seemingly now covering him. Through his blurred vision he could see the Ferrari shirts, they were probably out celebrating Charles' victory. As one of the men approached, Max felt his body tense up as he braced himself for whatever was about to happen next. The hands tangled in his hair yanked his head upwards. Normally he would have fought back but his whole body was exhausted and he was completely outnumbered.

"Smile for the camera"

As the flashes from the camera phones glared out Max shut his eyes tightly. He had no idea what had happened or how he had ended up where he was. As the grip in his hair loosened he felt himself slump back down to the floor as another bottle of beer was poured over his head. The cameras were still flashing and then he heard the noises quieten as the men walked off laughing amongst themselves. He knew he should try and get up and get some help but it felt a lot better to shut his eyes again and rest. When Carlos and Daniel eventually found him he was lying flat on the floor, face cut open from where it had hit the cobbled street, his body cold and shivering

"Are you okay? Max what happened?" the familiar Australian accent was enough to almost make Max cry with relief and was just the incentive he needed to get himself up into a seated position. As he glanced around he noticed Carlos stood watching him

"Charles. Where is Charles I left him with you?" Suddenly Max remembered the club and the shots and Charles being drunk and wondered if he was safe somewhere.

"He is with Pierre and Lando, they are out looking for you too" Carlos said gently as he knelt down next to Max.

"I just want Charles" Max knew he shouldn't have said it but it was all he wanted and Carlos seemed to understand as he reassured him that he would be there any minute. Then as if Max had been able to will it into existence Charles came running towards him and threw himself down to the ground, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Enveloped in the warm hug, Max felt safe. Everything hurt but he felt safe again.

"Maxy what happened" Charles asked softly as he held his boyfriend close to him, the scare of realising Max had gone missing had sobered Charles up almost instantly.

"I don't know, I passed out I think and then there were people taking pictures. I thought I was going to die" Max choked out between sobs.

As Charles stroked his hand through Max's hair he allowed himself to relax a little. The gentle kiss Charles pressed against Max's lips didn't go unnoticed by Carlos, Daniel or Lando but none of them said anything. It was definitely not the way Charles wanted to come out to his friends but all that really mattered in that moment was comforting his boyfriend.

Back in the safety of the hotel room Charles gently wiped the blood from the side of Max's face. Max had insisted on avoiding the hospital on the promise he would get checked out back in Monaco and Charles had reluctantly agreed. Luckily the cuts appeared to be superficial but they still looked painful and Max winced a little as Charles wiped the cloth across his face.

The hotel bathroom was slowly heating up as the bathtub filled. When it was just right Charles helped Max strip off and get into the tub.

"Join me" Max asked, and Charles just smiled because he could never resist those blue eyes.

Charles removed his clothes and climbed in to the bathtub, positioning himself behind Max so that the Dutchman could lean back and rest his head on his chest. Everything seemed a little quieter and Charles took his time lathering up the shampoo and gently washing Max's hair before moving on to the rest of his body. His movements slow and kind as his hands travelled across the Dutchman's arms, chest and thighs.

Charles knew that there was a lot they still needed to talk about. He had approached the subject of Max going to speak to a doctor or a registered therapist but each time the Red Bull driver's body had tensed up and he had flown into a panic. It was completely understandably but with each passing incident Charles was getting more concerned about his boyfriend. He knew it was only a matter of time before something really serious happened.

"What you said in the club about wanting to tell everyone about us. Do you still feel like that?" Max asked as he rested his head against Charles' warm body.

"Of course but maybe now isn't the right time, with everything that is going on"

Charles could hear Max sigh.

"If it's too much, you can leave, I wouldn't blame you. Maybe I'm broken" Max murmured and Charles felt his heart break a little.

"That's not what I meant. I'm not leaving you. I love you and you aren't broken, you've just been through a lot" Charles tried to reassure Max as best he could, "and if you feel that it won't add extra stress on you then I want everyone to know about us. I really did mean it"

Charles lent over and kissed Max gently on the forehead and he could see the older man smiling to himself.

"I know I've been struggling but I would love to tell everyone about you. Charles, they tried to make me ashamed of who I am, of who you are but I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed of me, I'm not ashamed of you and I'm not ashamed of our relationship. I'm proud and I want everyone to know"

Now it was Charles' turn to smile to himself as Max turned and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Okay, then lets tell everyone" Charles said and for the first time in his life he felt confident in his decision to come out, to let everyone know who he was and how he was proud to be who he was.

Max leaned back against the warmth of Charles' and closed his eyes. Charles pressed a kiss onto the top of his boyfriends head and they both relaxed, soaking in the moment. Surrounded by the warm heat of the water and the comfort of Charles' body, Max let himself fully relax, breathing in the aroma of the bubble bath and letting his skin be soothed by the warm soapy bubbles.


Once again, thanks to all of you and all your lovely comments and your votes, you really all are the best <3 <3. 

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