O Canada (part one)

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"Well I can't come out now can I?" Charles moaned as he threw his phone down in front of Max.

Max knew exactly what Charles was referring to. Lewis had texted him earlier that day to tell him he was going to come out and by the end of the day there were stories plastered all over the internet about the fact that Lewis Hamilton was bisexual. This in turn had people talking about the paparazzi picture of Max and Lewis. People had already had their own suspicions but now that Lewis had officially come out they were fully convinced there had been something going on.

"You can still come out Charles, the FIA don't have a minimum quota of straight drivers" Max reasoned, " Although I imagine people are going to be scared it's spreading. If it keeps going this way by the end of the season we can all throw one big gay party."

"Max! This isn't funny! " Charles snapped, he was not in the mood for joking around.

Since he had spoken to Pierre, Charles had been considering the possibility of coming out but he was still unsure. It was a big step and he didn't want to rush it. Still, he couldn't help but think Lewis also coming out was bad timing, although it hadn't gone unnoticed by him that Max seemed completely uninterested by the story and he suspected he knew why.

"Are you not surprised by this? You don't seem it. You already knew didn't you?" Charles asked accusingly.

"Yes, I knew" Max admitted, there wasn't any reason to lie about it.

"Well how? When? Did he tell you? Why? Why didn't you tell me?" Charles fired the barrage of questions without taking a breath.

"Charles what is it with all the questions? He told me okay. I couldn't tell you it wasn't my place."

Max flicked on the television in the hotel room hoping to find something to distract Charles from the current conversation. It was Saturday evening and they were in Canada. Max had managed to sneak into Charles' room but he was slowly starting to regret it. Charles did not seem to be in the best of moods. Max wondered how mad Charles would be if he told him that Lewis had also invited him out for a drink to celebrate finally coming out. He decided not to find out, besides he had turned the British driver down telling him he needed to rest before the race tomorrow.

"I need to know, did something happen between you and Lewis?" Charles asked sternly.

Max paused, wondering whether to tell Charles what had happened in Saudi Arabia when Lewis had kissed him. It was before he had even gotten together with Charles but still he thought maybe he should just get everything out in the open. The pause alone was enough for Charles.

"Oh my god Max, am I second choice? Did something happen between you? I knew it. I saw the way you looked at each other. Did he break things off and you thought you would try me?"

Charles found himself struggling to breath. This was exactly what he had feared when he had seen that stupid paparazzi shot of Lewis and Max. He had tried to convince himself that it was nothing but now it seemed that his instincts were right. He couldn't believe that he had been so stupid. He wanted to cry but he was too stubborn, instead he found himself getting angry.

"Charles no-" Max started to protest but Charles jumped in.

"Were you sleeping with him? Is that why you weren't having sex with me? I was frustrated waiting around like an idiot, or was that the problem, he didn't want to wait around as long as I had to " Charles snapped.

The words were designed to hurt but as soon as they fell out of his mouth he instantly wished he could take them back, especially when he saw the look on Max's face.

"I'm so sorry you had wait Charles, that must have been so awful for you"  Max responded as he got to his feet and then walked out the room without saying another word, slamming the door behind him for added effect.

Charles knew that he had messed up, he hadn't meant what he had said, his words were said  to provoke Max but he had gone too far. He had Max's mobile on redial almost instantly but the Dutchman wasn't picking up. Charles considered going to his hotel room but he couldn't exactly stand around outside and demand Max answer, not without people noticing. Instead he reached out to the only other person he could, Pierre.

It had seemed, to Charles, like a good idea to go to Pierre for advice but the Frenchman wasn't quite as sympathetic as Charles had hoped. Charles sat tight lipped as Pierre lectured him about the importance of thinking before talking. It was a talk they had had many times before and Pierre suspected a talk they would have many times in the future. As much as Pierre loved Charles he knew that the Monegasque driver had a tendency to say things in the heat of the moment and get himself in trouble.

When Charles eventually left Pierre's room he still had no clue what to do, it was good that he had a friend to talk to, but the best Pierre could come up with was to sleep on it and apologise to Max in the morning. Charles had been hoping for some more profound advice.

As Charles was making his way back to his hotel room he noticed Max at the end of the corridor getting into the elevator. Charles shouted for him to hold the door but Max ignored him and as the doors shut and Max disappeared, Charles was left sad and alone.

Max was still too upset to speak to Charles. He had been led to believe that Charles had been happy for them to wait to have sex but know it seemed that he was bitter at having to wait so long. Max was disappointed to think that Charles had been frustrated with him the whole time, he had thought the first time together had been so special and now it was ruined. Sitting in his hotel room alone was driving him crazy as he kept replaying Charles' words over and over. He needed someone to talk to but it was late and Daniel wasn't picking up so instead he had decided to throw on a jumper and some joggers and head to the floor below. Charles already seemed to think the worst of him so he decided it didn't make any difference what he did. As he knocked on the hotel room door he wondered if he was making a huge mistake but it was too late to back out now.

"Max, it's late what are you doing here?" Lewis asked wearily, he had been in bed when the door had gone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just thought maybe I could come in and we could have that drink"

"Sure, sounds good" Lewis was still half asleep but welcomed Max into his hotel room and closed the door behind them.


Thanks for reading everyone. I can't believe this book has over 8000 views, I didn't think anyone would read! And thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to vote and comment <3 <3

Posted a day earlier than scheduled because I definitely have Wi-Fi today!  Next chapter will now be 30th august.

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