Save the date

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Hey guys so I am going to post some bonus chapters, the lengths will totally vary. They are just going to be snapshots of events leading up to the wedding and beyond so the time line will jump forward quite a bit each time.  I will just post at the start when it takes places. 


Snapshot: Winter Break

Max had been sat staring at the two 'save the date' cards for what felt like an eternity. No matter how long he stared at them, no matter how hard he tried, he could swear they looked exactly the same.

"Max, which one do you prefer?" Charles asked for the third time as Max just looked back with a confused look on his face.

"I guess the left one"

"Oh" Charles looked a little disappointed.

"Or the right" Max offered because honestly it made no difference when he literally could not tell one shade of white from another.

"Great choice Max" Charles praised as he happily ticked one task off of his list.

The wedding planning was in the very early stages but Charles had decided that winter break would be an ideal time to get a head start. He had already found a wedding planner and a venue and picked a date. Of course Max had been there when all the big decisions had been made but the Dutchman was content to let Charles take the lead. They would be getting married at the end of the next season at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco. Charles had been impressed by the exquisite architecture and the views looking out over the sea. Max had been impressed by the fact they were practically getting married on an F1 track, he just really hoped Charles would have a great home race this season so his wedding venue wasn't overlooking the scene of any more racing misfortunes.

"You know there is still time to change your mind. We could just get married in Vegas in-between qualifying and the race." Max teased for the hundredth time.

When he had brought it up initially it had been a semi-serious suggestion. It would have combined two of his most treasured things - Charles and F1. It had seemed perfect but as soon as the words had left his mouth he could tell that it was never going to happen. Charles tried to accommodate the suggestion but his face had said it all, he wanted the large ceremony in Monaco. In the end Max was content to get married anywhere just as long as they were together. Besides, Vegas was now a prime option for the stag night.

"Do you want to be in charge of any of this?" Charles asked. He really wanted this wedding to be as much about Max as it was about him.

"What about catering?" Max asked, mostly to freak Charles out because he knew there was no way he was being left in charge of anything so important.

"You want to organise the catering?" Charles asked, trying not to let his panic show. Max was not the most organised and food was definitely one of the most important things at the wedding.

"Yeah, free Red Bull all around. What more could anyone want" Max tried to keep a serious face but seeing Charles trying to be supportive when he was clearly freaking out was too funny and he couldn't help but laugh. Charles just threw a pillow in Max's direction, slowing getting over the heart attack caused by the thought of having a Red Bull catered wedding.

Max dodged the pillow and then got up from his chair and came to sit over by Charles on the couch. It was now easy feat, his fiancé was surrounded by a mountain of wedding magazines which had surprisingly been brought around by Charles' brother Arthur when he had visited earlier in the week. He had even gone out of his way to make sure he had picked up some magazines catering specifically to gay marriages.

Once Max had fought his way through 'Perfect Wedding' and 'Wonderful flowers' and the various other publications that his fiancé seemed close to drowning in he wrapped his arms around him and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I will help you more with the planning" Max promised as he started to move his attention to Charles neck, kissing lightly along the skin. As much as he was excited about the wedding he was currently excited about something else entirely.

"Max you do this every time" Charles laughed at how predictable his fiancé was.

"What?" Max asked trying to play innocent.

"Whenever you get bored of planning you try and distract me with sex, well it won't work"

Max smiled to himself, it had worked every time he had tried it so far and he couldn't see any reason why he couldn't continue to employ the same tactic, he could already sense Charles loosing interest in the magazines as he slid his hands under the younger man's top.

"I promise I'll make you feel good" Max whispered in Charles' ear and Charles had to admit that once again Max had succeeded in completely distracting him.

"But we are coming right back to this afterwards" Charles warned before pressing his lips back up against his fiancé's and deepening the kiss.

"Deal" Max picked Charles up and carried him through to the bedroom, with what he had planned for Charles the rest of the wedding preparation would have to wait for another day. 


So just a short little chapter today but yay they are wedding planning <3 <3

Probably won't be updating these bonus ones at the same pace as I updated the actual story but I would say probably I will post them at least one a week, not sure how many there will be yet.

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