Time to Talk

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Next Chapter is ready a little earlier than expected so here it is. Thank you so much for all your comments and votes. It really does make a difference to know some people are enjoying the story.

I just want to add a little TW here as there is some mention of homophobic attitudes in this story so just wanted to warn people incase you want to avoid.


It had been a pretty hectic day for Charles. He had been ushered into various interviews throughout the day to talk about the new car and this upcoming season. He had given the same stock answers multiple times and tried to remain calm and professional. Inside all he wanted to do was scream. By the time he got back to his hotel room he was both physically and mentally exhausted. He planned to try and get an early night before catching a flight out to Monaco in the morning.

As soon as he entered his room he noticed his mobile laying on the floor where he had accidentally left it this morning. Normally the thought of not having his mobile with him at all times would be unbearable but given the calls he had been receiving lately it was probably a blessing in disguise that he had forgotten to take it with him. He reluctantly reached for the phone and glanced down. A message from Max instantly attracted his attention.

Don't worry about anything. Spoke to Marcus. He won't be running the story. Will talk to you soon.

Charles froze. He was so tired and stressed out that he wondered if he had just imagined what he had read. He read it over and over until it finally seemed real. He could see his hands shaking as he held his phone. When Max had said he was going to sort everything he hadn't believed him but maybe he had been telling the truth. Charles needed confirmation and immediately text Max asking if he was sure and Max responded reassuring him not to worry any more and that he would explain when they saw each other next.

Charles wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. All the tension that had been weighing him down felt like it was being lifted. He had never felt so relieved in his whole life. He had been so stressed about what to do that he had barely slept or eaten in days but now maybe he could finally relax. He was desperate to know what Max had said to convince Marcus not to print. He was also curious as to why Max had been so keen to help him. He was definitely going to have to thank him somehow. There were many ways he wanted to thank him, although he doubted Max would be receptive to them. He quickly shook the thought out of his head. Maybe this was a chance for him and Max to become better friends and although deep down he knew he wanted more than friendship he also knew that being friends was better than being enemies.

He would have to wait until Bahrain to get answers but at least for now he could finally allow himself fo breath properly. That tight feeling in his chest and the knot in his stomach was slowly easing away. He knew this feeling was unlikely to last forever, but at least for now he could enjoy himself and relax.

Max however, was feeling anything but relaxed. He had been thankful that the journalist had agreed to give him a few days before going to print. Well, as thankful as you could be when someone was making you share your sexuality with the whole world. Marcus had agreed to hold off on breaking the news on the basis that Max gave him a world exclusive interview, something which Max had been reluctant to do but felt he had little choice. This meant that Max was now in a rush to tell his friends and family before they read about it in a gossip magazine. It had not necessarily been the way he would have chosen to come out but there was very little he could do about it now.

He had decided to organise a meal at his Monaco apartment. It was short notice for everyone but luckily all those who he really wanted to be there had made it. At the time he had thought it a good idea to invite both his mum and dad but now sat around the table together he remember how stressful it was to have them both in the same room. They were doing their best to be civil but the atmosphere between them could not be described as pleasant.

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