One more — brighter.

Placing their food down, beside the medium fish tank, Daemon turned at the eyes that bore into his back. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Max nodded, skateboard held in one hand. "Come on, Bonnie, we're leaving!"

"Coming, coming!" Came Bondita's voice.

Once the girl finally emerged from hiding, they soon took off after bidding their pet fish goodbyes and locking their apartment.

Living with Daemon proved to be not that bad. At first, the girls were wary of him and his intentions just as Jake was but as the days turn to weeks seeing no indication of wanton violence from the man, they relaxed under his presence.

But still wary of him nonetheless.

He was a man of very few words and if he did speak, he'd be blunt or speak in absolute riddles. Max declared it because of how poetic he sounded with his enhanced vocabulary.

During weekdays, he'd spent time in the gym with Jake. It was his tactic of getting to know the man better and drop the hostility towards him. And within those Wednesdays and Thursdays spent in the gym, the two men reconciled and somewhat started to tolerate one another's presence.

Max was beyond thankful for that.

The two girls had also gotten used to the presence of Millie. She was more than a friend, they begun to accept her as a sister. At least, that's what Bondita proclaimed.

Sleepovers and shopping were a regular between the girls when they were found together.

Max was more so excited after having heard Jake enrolled Millie in her school. The decision was splendid — at the very least, she'd have someone beside her. The girl could only cling onto that hope.

"By the gods," Daemon's gasped. "This is what you do for fun?"

The playground was full of kids skating about and doing tricks that looked no where near safe. "Yes."

"I've scraped my knees and had my arm put in a cast for several times, I can handle myself." Max stated boldly, putting down her board and placing one foot on top, the other pushing forward.

He did not know how long he held his breathe when the girl disappeared into the dug in ground, performing minor tricks of her own. "Do you do this as well?"

Bondita's eyes widened. "Never. It's too scary!" She led him to sit down on a bench so they could overlook their redhead companion who's tricks gradually grew to major ones.

She would stumble a few times but never did she lose her footing. It was somewhat a comfort to Daemon that she could handle herself on the thick wood she rode on.

In the midst of skating, she disappeared. Only to find her form emerge from the mega ramp, situation her board at the very edge.

"You got this, little dudette!" One of the teenage boys encourage after her short hesitation.

Max shut her eyes close, remembering the feeling that past her when she rode that silver dragon. Seemingly that feeling had evolved into a somewhat comfort to her and she loved it every time the thought of it come to mind.

Letting out a breath after blocking out the voices, she placed her foot on the front of the board, gliding down the large ramp. Shredding across, she performed a clean ollie which sent cheers erupting all around her.

"Nice one!"

Bondita happily clapped for her sister who now approached her in a fit of pants. Daemon only smiled. He wondered there was truly a lot he did not know of the girl.

"Are we going home now?" Bondita queries, not really wanting the fun day to end just yet.

Her eyes glazed over violet ones, "No, actually. There is a place I think you might like."

"Oh, really?" He mused. "Would it truly take my breath away like that deathtrap I found myself in the day we met?"

"Nah," she brushed off his statement, recalling that day of trauma. Surprised to say they were coping from it, it was almost a month ago. "This one's much safer."

"Hm." He only hummed, letting the girls lead the way as he still learned to grasp the surroundings of their neighborhood.

The trip was naught but long, actually it was filled light banter and chatter between the three. Bondita proved to be the light in Max's word and Daemon could not have been more privileged to see such innocence in a child.

They trekked through the inside of a magnificent building, a tour guide leading them as it looked like a maze and one would surely get themselves lost if they did not know the ins and outs.

Their first sighting was a penguin arena. Daemon found himself marveling and laughing at the little guys that made tricks and dived under the water. Their sounds though — he did not enjoy that part.

Bondita was just enjoying the cute aquatic animal, getting closer to the glass. "Flap, flap," she flapped her arms up and down to get it's attention to which she succeeded and it reciprocated the girl's movements. "Flap, flap, flappidy, flap!" She giggles in joy.

"Cute-pie. ." Max took a quick picture of a baby penguin, diving after it's mother who slowly waited for it to catch up. It was a heartwarming sight to see indeed.

They followed the guide once more who leads them in a different hall that had blue seeping into the floors.

"Gods be good." His breath hitched at the sight.

Blue illuminates on the floors as the fish swam about their daily lives; encased behind a large glass. His heart drummed in his ears as every questioned overflowed his head. He did not have to bother Max who scurried off with her little sister towards the glass to admire the different types of species of fish as they had a tour guide leading them.

"How many different fish do you house in here?"

"Uh, we have about ninety to a hundred different species." The blonde haired woman answers enthusiastically, her eyes glittering proudly as they scanned the huge tank.

"And which is your favorite, do you think?" He teased, thinking she might not be able to tell each and every fish that resides within the waters.

"That one behind you," she pointed, her smile never leaving her lips. "This is Nigel. He's our Niger trigger,"

His smirk dwindled in disappointment but ever attentive with the fun new knowledge even if it would serve him no purpose, he devoured it all. "our triggerfish and they are my favourite fish."

"Hello Nigel!" Bondita waved at the night sky coloured fish as it swam by the corals.

They continue on their tour, journeying from small tanks to larger ones where they met a beluga wail with so much love an enthusiasm.

With no one around but the girls, Daemon looked squared into the beluga's eyes. He opened his mouth wide and surprised to see the sea creature mirrored his actions. He chortled, opening and closing his mouth in sink with the whale.

"This balloon actually has personality." He commented in between laughs.

"A beluga, Daemon." Max corrected, laughing along with him throwing her head back.

That was what he wanted to see. The smile planted on her face, with eyes gleaming brilliantly under the vibrant blue of the water; blue and violet clashing together.

He gave a rich smile, enjoying the rest of the outing with the two sisters she came to love their companies.

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