7. big mosquito

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3rd Person

After their lunch, she took a shower and decided to arrange her walk-in closet. She was busy applying her skin rituals when Sage approached her vanity mirror and took charge in blow-drying her hair while they talked about work.

While Sage was drying her hair, Alex is combing her hair sideways revealing her neck. He then saw his marks from last night.

"I think you need to conceal these once you get back to work..." He suddenly commented. Alex felt him touch the kiss marks on her neck.

"Oh... Yes, Aira will endlessly tease me if she sees these. And it's a lot and she knew you're here... She won't believe that it's just a mosquito bite anymore..."

"Mosquito bites? Did you use it as an alibi before?"

Alex wanted to curse her talkative mouth.

"After I nursed your fever, she saw the one you did... I was oblivious about it until she told me. So I had no choice but to lie or else she would kill me if she found out I sneaked out that night."

"I will try to control myself next time. I shouldn't leave marks on the visible areas... only."

"You better be. It will be hard to conceal those especially the ones at my back, Mr. Mosquito Kim." Alex cautioned him. The drying of her hair took longer than expected because the two would playfully tease each other and endless banters happened in between.

This was how they spent their lockdown, Alex availing Sage's services to clean her apartment and pampering her. Of course, teasing and banters were always present. They were already contented spending the day with each other. And they looked forward to more chill days like this in the future.

No pressure. No pretensions. Just themselves as Sage and Alex.

When Alex finished arranging her walk-in closet, Sage unnoticingly was able to sleep on the bed while reading one of her books. Alex did not disturb him anymore and just covered him with a blanket instead.

"My big mosquito is tired

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"My big mosquito is tired..."

She then kissed him on his cheeks as she noticed how sound asleep he was as she exited the bedroom quietly and drank her tea. Once finished with her tea, she checked the time and it was only 5 pm. So she decided to slip under the blanket too and lay down next to him before she prepared their dinner.

She was still removing her hair bun to let it loose but he instinctively hugged her instantly after feeling her presence. Now she was wrapped in his warm embrace.

"Thank you, love." She whispered.

Alex has no plans of sleeping, she just wanted to cuddle with him. Listening to his heartbeat and his steady breathing, enjoying his warm embrace.

She felt contentment at that moment.

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