39. childhood dream

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Alex's drama, "Station" ended with 23.3% national ratings. The cameo of Sage on the final episode also contributed to the boost in its ratings, as he was highly anticipated after his long hiatus due to his military enlistment.

She was also granted a month's leave after the drama's shooting and promotion.

After watching her drama, the couple talked about their career plans over dinner.

"So... What's next for Elle? Your contract will officially end at the end of the year."  Sage asked as he sliced his steak on his plate and gave it to Alex.

"I'm planning to produce a mini-album and a tour by the end of this year. CFs in between. Then announce our wedding plans. Just to wrap everything as Elle before I get busy with wedding preparations as Alex." She declared 8 you with your album then." He replied as he sliced his steak this time.

"Thank you. But I want to put your name as the co-producer this time." She then dropped her utensils and looked at him intently to show her determination on the matter.

"Nah. It might attract attention, I prefer working incognito you know ." He smiled as he raised his brows.

"But you should be given due credit. You could use Sylvester Kim as your pseudonym, you know." She replied nonchalantly as she chewed her steak.

"Well, if my wife says so, then I'll oblige." He finally resigned and ate his meat.

"Why so agreeable these days?" She wondered as she wiped her mouth.

"I just realized that 'happy wife, happy life' is legit. So I'm trying to live with it now." He then stood up to get the chocolate souffle on the fridge,

"But as much as I am touched with your life motto these days, I would still appreciate it if refute my opinions as you deem necessary. We agree to disagree right?"

"Don't worry, love. I would if necessary."

"Aside from co-producing my album, what's next for Sage Kim? I doubt you won't accept any work."

"Actually, I really need to work, but perhaps CFs would be a great option. I need money for your dream wedding and our life after the wedding. Also, I don't know if you would agree on this but..." Sage then dropped his utensils and looked at Alex.

"I want to be your concert director..."

There was a moment of silence between the two, then Sage continued,

"I don't know if I told you this in the past but I studied directing to be your musical director someday. That has been my dream ever since I was a kid after I met you. While I was in the US I produced Paris's album with you in mind. I wanted to always be there to help you realize your dream."

He narrated as if it was just a trivial thing but Alex was starting to feel the warmth consuming her heart. She wanted to say something but she wanted him to continue, and so he did.

"I even accepted the opportunity to direct Paris's concert because I thought I could use the experience in case we patch things up when we had our conflict last time. Even if I thought we could never go back the way we used to, but, this may sound selfish, but I wanted to be a great producer and director both for drama and music so that I could go back to your life. That was my intention all along, silly right? And now, here we are, I'm asking for the chance to be the concert director of my wife if she would allow me." Sage then declared with pleading eyes.

After he spoke, Alex's tears started to trickle. She never asked him why he chose that path and it made her heart beat faster knowing that everything was because of her. Even if they drifted away temporarily, he continued to care for her. She was lost for words, after a moment she finally mumbled,

"After hearing all those things, do you think I would say no? Of course, Mr. Kim, that would be an honor! I'll tell Aira about this and negotiate with my CEO about this. He told me I can demand anything as just as long as it's within his power. I think I know just what to ask now." Alex smiled sweetly. She just realized what she wanted to ask from her agency.

"Well, if he doesn't approve of your terms, then you could always sign with Platinum.

"Or I can just become your full-time wife then." Alex joked and both of them laughed with the idea.

But it seemed like Sage isn't meant to have a full-time wife just yet. Two weeks later, the CEO agreed on Alex's terms for a 2-year contract. And this time she wanted full rein on her career, working with people she wants and shows she wanted to appear to, as long as it does not jeopardize the company.

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