6. Alex's secret

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A/N: please read the first part first to avoid getting spoiled 😅 Twitter account: @time_buzzer

A/N: please read the first part first to avoid getting spoiled 😅 Twitter account: @time_buzzer

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3rd Person

The couple was already cleaning the bedroom, changing Alex's sheets to be exact, when she read the message from Aira.

"Hey, what is this not my story to tell thing from Aira? What did you tell her?" She asked Sage while pressing the sheets on her end opposite to Sage looking all curious about what he told Aira.

"I just told her to be cautious when you ask anything from her from now on. Because I am concerned about your impulsiveness. What if you decided to apply for a visa while I'm at the military?" he replied with concern in his voice while wiping the bedside drawer.

"Why would I do that? You're inside the military. Even if I wanted to, I can't go there." Alex replied with a hint of sadness in her tone. She was reminded again of his upcoming enlistment.

Sage caught the change in her tone hence, tried to tease her instead.

"I don't know what tricks you could pull off... You are full of surprises anyway. But don't do that again okay?"

"Hey, I only become impulsive when it comes to you. So you don't have to worry once you're inside. I will behave." She insisted while putting her hands in her waist trying to defend herself.

"Wow, should I be flattered? Tell me, Ms. Alex Lee, what else did you do, aside from your US trip? No filter." He stopped wiping and faced her while holding the damp cloth on his waist repeating her previous gesture.

"I also went to Shilla after the awards night. I rode the taxi because I wanted to talk to you, but when I arrived there you already left for the airport. So I just went home with heavy shoulders at that time." She responded as if it was just a trivial matter but Sage was already focused on her riding a taxi late at night.

"Honey... how many times do I have to tell you, not to ride a taxi late at night?" Sage tried to sound as sweet as he could to try hiding his frustration about this news.

Alex knew that he was pissed about her riding the taxi but hearing him with his sweet voice amused her to great lengths. She then closed their distance and clung to his arms as she tried to coax him because the nerves in his forehead are starting to become visible.

"Honey... I won't do it again, I promise." She leaned her head on his arms as she laughed at how cute Sage looked when he just asked her a while ago.

Alex succeeded in pacifying him when she felt him loosen up a minute after. She was still leaning in his arms when he heard him speak again.

"Anything more?" He was already looking at him with investigating eyes. He knows that this is not yet the end of it. So he braced himself for another blow. He just wanted to know how far Alex's impulsiveness can go, and up to what extent.

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